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CAD Tips and Tricks for Autodesk applications

In this database (blog) you can find small tips, hints and tricks which - as we hope - help you to use Autodesk and Holixa products more efficiently. ARKANCE (in Czechia - former CAD Studio) is a worldwide Autodesk Platinum Partner, Developer and Training Center since 1990. See also our custom CAD application development.

65 tips containing
'xrefs 2525253A'

CAD:    OS:    Categ: 
Text:  FAQ glossary   
Glossary Glossary: xref
Question CAD 
 %  platform  category 
Q - question

Very slow Xrefs, block insertions, copying objects; bloated files.

A - answer see answer   Tip 6111
50% *  CAD 
29.4.2008   FAQ  
Q - question

How to batch-remove excessive annotation scale lists in DWGs?

A - answer see answer   Tip 5871
50% *  CAD 
23.11.2007   FAQ  
Q - question

How to color or suppress all Xref layers?

A - answer see answer   Tip 5754
50% *  CAD 
19.9.2007   FAQ  
Q - question

Why does AutoCAD insert my blocks in wrong scale?

A - answer see answer   Tip 4581
50% *  CAD 
16.8.2005   FAQ  
Q - question

How to convert .DWF files back to the DWG format?

A - answer see answer   Tip 2229
50% *  CAD 
31.5.2002   FAQ  
Q - question

Clipping blocks, images, curves, xrefs - everything, into any shape

A - answer see answer   Tip 14033
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

XrefStamp - create a dynamic list of xrefs in your DWG drawing.

A - answer see answer   Tip 13868
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

With which subscriptions do I get Autodesk Drive cloud storage as a bonus?

A - answer see answer   Tip 13844
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

Bulk setting of layer properties according to the object in that layer.

A - answer see answer   Tip 13435
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

Reference Explorer - quick analysis of your project or assembly (file size, xref errors).

A - answer see answer   Tip 13227
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

Easily find CAD/BIM document references (including missing ones) - Reference Explorer

A - answer see answer   Tip 12977
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

How to disable osnaps for xref objects?

A - answer see answer   Tip 12705
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

Seamlessly connected images by irregular clipping in AutoCAD (or LT).

A - answer see answer   Tip 12361
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

Open just a part of a DWG drawing - layers, views.

A - answer see answer   Tip 11868
50% *  CAD 
Q - question

Attaching a xref to AutoCAD DWG sets a relative path automatically, can I change it to absolute?

A - answer see answer   Tip 11376
50% *  CAD 
Page 1 of 5

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