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What is the difference between ThisDoc.Document and ThisApplication.ActiveDocument in iLogic?

A - answer When coding a rule (macro) in iLogic, the active document in Inventor can be referred in two main ways - ThisDoc.Document and ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.

How do they differ and which one to prefer? The object reference ThisDoc.Document may slightly differ from ThisApplication.ActiveDocument in the iLogic environment - so it may refer a different document (e.g. an IPT part). The object "ThisDoc" always points to the document containing the current iLogic rule, while the object "ActiveDocument" is the currently active document in terms of the Inventor application - it is not necessarily the same document as the document containing the running ilogic rule. For consistency of proper context in your iLogic code always prefer the reference ThisDoc.Document.

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See also:
Tip 13965:Total length of sweeps in Inventor - wires, pipes, trusses, tubes, hoses (iLogic)
Tip 13963:Sum of pipe element lengths in Inventor (iLogic).
Tip 13920:Saving your Inventor model in the presentation color scheme (iLogic).
Tip 13911:How to print all sheets at once from Inventor?
Tip 13852:How to bulk-update all model parameters?

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