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CAD tip CAD tip # 9971:

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Part color is not updated in the assembly - why?

A - answer You can assign a color (appearance) to an Inventor part either directly in the part (IPT file), or you can override its appearance on the assembly (or subassembly) level (in IAM).

If you subsequently change appearance of a part in its IPT document/file, a part with overridden appearance will not change its color in the given assembly (the change will not propagate to the assembly). To promote the updated part color to the assembly, clear the appearance override for that part.

Select the complaining part and in the "Appearance" rollup in the upper QAT panel, click on the "Clear overrides" - the very first item in the list. The new color should appear immediately and automatically.

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See also:
Tip 13824:How to export OBJ including materials, textures from Inventor?
Tip 12994:In the dark Inventor environment, contrasting edges are not displayed.
Tip 12520:How to set Inventor Display style and Lighting style from an iLogic macro?
Tip 12451:How to fill a material or appearance name into part's iProperties?
Tip 12317:How to publish a custom iPart to CC with Color as one of its parameters?

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