Display full version of the post: Editing Attributes in order of selection

Dan Anderson
21.07.2011, 20:31
I am wondering if anybody has a tool to edit attributes in the order of selection?  I had it, but due to changing jobs, computers, etc.; I lost it.I have projects where the same block is used in a circuit, and has an address in sequence on that circuit; i.e. - V1-1, V1-2, V1-3.  The routine I had allowed you to start the command, specify the constant string (V1-), a starting point for a prefix or suffix (1), the amount of increase (1); and then pick on the attributes you want to be changed on that path.  The attributes would be edited as you went along.  If you made a mistake or wanted to change the path, you could run the command again, specify a new number as a starting point, and pick the attributes where you left off.Does this sound familiar to anybody?  I tried two different routines from the Download section of this site, and they didn't work the same way.Thanks in advance for any help.Dan Anderson