Display full version of the post: Projection Of Maps

07.03.2011, 18:48
I am working with a drawing and I am unaware of what projection it was drawn in to begin with. I need to export shape files out into Lat Long WGS 84. A coordiante system is not assigned to the map, and I know how to do all of this. How can i figure out what projection the original map was drawn in?

John Connor
07.03.2011, 19:18
Where and who did you get the drawing from?

07.03.2011, 20:18
It is a map from a telephone company showing where their outside plant information is at. They are one of our clients and they dont know what coordinated system the basemap was drawn to.

John Connor
07.03.2011, 23:57

Are there any Northing and Easting coordinates on the map?I see you are in the U.S.  What state are you in?  There must be a state plane coordinate system.  Do counties have/use a second coordinate system?I find it very strange that your own client (the telephone company) has no clue as to what coordinate system was used to in their own drawings.  Have you spoken to someone in their engineering or rights-of-way department?
John Connor2011-03-07 23:58:43