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CAD tip CAD tip # 10206:

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How to batch-delete all OldVersion folders?

A - answer If you need to batch-delete Inventor backup files, i.e. all folders (directories) OldVersions from a given location, you can use the following simple batch file:

@ECHO off  
ECHO Remove OldVersions folders:  
for /d /r ".\" %%a in (OldVersions\) do if exist "%%a" (  
 echo %%a  
 rmdir /s /q "%%a"  

Copy this contents to a .bat file. Then run this BAT file in the requested folder - e.g. from a DOS window or by doubleclick. This batch removes all "OldVersions" folders in the current location and in all subfolders under it, including the folder contents.

100% *  CAD 
13.2.2015    9119×  
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applies to: Inventor ·

See also:
Tip 5996:How to suppress files in the OldVersions folders?
Tip 4838:Error loading segment PmBRepSegment in database.
Tip 2675:The Compact function doesn't make my files smaller.

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