Zobrazit plnou verzi příspěvku: SP1 pro AutoCAD 2017

Vladimír Michl
23.07.2016, 18:07

Byl uveden Service Pack 1 pro rodinu produktů AutoCAD 2017. Ke stažení v Desktop App nebo na stránce Download. Přehled oprav v SP1: Blocks• There were occasional crashes when inserting some blocks a second time.Graphics• There were occasional crashes when zooming out of a drawing following the 3D orbit command.Purge• There were occasional crashes when purging DXF drawing files.Web and Cloud• There were occasional crashes when modifying the Online Options settings and signing in to Autodesk A360 from InfoCenter.General• There were occasional crashes when launching AutoCAD in Windows 10.• There were occasional crashes when inputting the system time in long string format, and then using the DIM command.• There were occasional crashes when switching layouts.• There were occasional crashes when performing a 3D rotate in drawings containing a point cloud.• There were occasional crashes when plotting to PDF using AccoreConsole.exe.• There were occasional crashes when performing an Undo after detaching a reference using the External References palette.• There were occasional crashes when PNG images were specified in a CUI resource file.Display• Xrefs on a frozen viewport layer would still be plotted.• AutoCAD in Citrix might not default to the primary display adapter.Open and Save•Opening a drawing file using an Excel hyperlink was repositioning the AutoCAD application window.PDF Import•Importing a PDF Underlay that was attached with relative path could fail.Xref• The Xref status incorrectly displays the "Needs reloading" message when the dataset is opened from a UNC path to a shared folder.General• When opening drawings created with AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD might crash if the drawing was saved again.• Plotting with certain visual styles might produce incorrect results.• Migrating custom settings might fail.

Vladimír Michl
03.08.2016, 17:28

Máte již nainstalován SP1 pro rodinu AutoCADu 2017 a pokud používáte profesní verzi AutoCADu 2017, tak i jeden z profesních Service Packů 1?V některých, poměrně vzácných případech může po instalaci SP1 nastat problém s načítáním add-on aplikací z Autodesk Apps. V těchto případech pomůže Autoloader Hotfix - viz