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Téma uzavřenoRevit 2015 Update 4

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Vladimír Michl Zobrazit panel
Arkance Systems

Přihlášen: 09.zář.2004
Lokalita: ČR (JČ)
Dodáváme produkty Autodesk
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Bodů: 21485
Přímý odkaz na tuto zprávu Téma: Revit 2015 Update 4
    Zasláno: 26.zář.2014 v 09:44
Byl uvolněn "Update 4" (SP4) pro rodinu produktů Revit 2015. Jde o stejný build jako je v rozšířené subscription-verzi Revit 2015 R2 ("Sundial") - obsahuje tedy stejné opravy, ale na rozdíl od R2 neobsahuje její rozšířené funkce. Tedy SP4/UR4 je určen pro ty co nemají Subscription, kdežto rozšířený R2 je tentýž build pro ty co mají výhody Subscription. SP4 (chcete-li "UR4") pro Revit 2015 z Design Suites, pro Revit Architecture, Structure, MEP a LT si můžete stáhnout v sekci Download. Pro síťová rozmístění je k dispozici upravená verze tohoto SP4.
Neinstalujte UR4 pokud máte nainstalován Revit 2015 R2 nebo pokud se chystáte R2 instalovat.
Přehled oprav v UR4:
Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2015 Updates
• Updates graphics certification file.
• Improves visual display of filled regions, loss of color and pattern, when view is set to Realistic display style.*
• Improves export of fill patterns on transparent faces.*
• Improves stability when family-related corruption is encountered.*
• Improves transmitting models with multiple external linked files stored on Revit Server when using eTransmit.*
• Improves stability while tab-selecting into an element to add detail lines using the Pick Lines option.
• Improves stability when using names longer than 128 characters in the Family Types dialog.
• Improves stability when deleting an element that is in an invalid state.
• Improves stability when clicking the door type preview button in some upgraded models.
• Improves visual fidelity with surface types which contain singularities.
• Improves stability when using file upgrade operations.*
• Ensures the file name is populated within the upgrade dialog box.*
• Improves stability when splitting a wall with an edited elevation profile.
• Improves stability when iterating different wall join configurations.
• Improves stability when splitting a wall.
• Improves data integrity with Multi-Category schedules which include elements from a linked file.**
• Improves stability when trying to rotate a view during the placement of the view on a sheet.
• Improves stability when trying to Tag All in a view of a workshared model that is owned by another user.*
• Improves stability when a user edited a wall structure with the preview window open.
• Improves stability when placing a wall in files upgraded to Revit 2015.
• Improves stability when multiple users try to modify the same family in a workshared environment.
• Corrects the abundance of standard materials being created when repeatedly loading a family.
• Improves stability when editing wall joins.
• Improves stability when cancelling an IFC Link during the insertion of new IFC links.*
• Corrects the behavior of placing families in a project when the family type selector is expanded.
• Improves stability when adding a family to a design option set when the family type selector is expanded.
• Improves the visual fidelity of point clouds sections which have Far Clipping set to "Clip with Line."*
• Corrects the placement of an image or any element containing an image (such as a schedule) on a sheet when Autodesk Revit is installed on Windows 8.1.
• Improves stability when exporting to IFC with the second level space boundaries option enabled.*
• Improves visual fidelity of level head symbol within a legend view after file upgrade.*
• Improves stability when pressing Ctrl+Tab in the Material dialog.
• Improves stability when loading the layer export setting from a file.*
• Improves stability if the model was missing its revisions settings data.*
• Improves data integrity after saving a workshared model in Revit LT.*
• Improves visual fidelity of Space Tags placed on linked files after reopening a model.*
• Improves stability when reloading a circular nested family.
• Improves stability for WARP device.
• Improves visual fidelity of point clouds.*
• Improves exports with include images.
• Improves stability when modifying wall type layers of large thickness.
• Improves data integrity during worksharing Reload Latest when one user places the first instance of a family and another user renames the family.
Autodesk® Revit® MEP 2015 Updates
• Improves stability when running Heating Cooling Loads.
• Improves printing and exporting electrical families when the project base point is covered.*
• Improves visual fidelity for flex duct and flex pipe when rotating the view true north.*
• Improves data integrity for Duct Radius Elbow/Taps velocity parameter in Properties Palette and within Tags.*
• Corrects the length value of a beveled tap when it is calculated by a formula.*
• Improves MEP fitting sizing when based upon content settings.*
• Improves stability when changing system types.
• Improves display of selected electrical equipment families within the type selector.*
Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2015 Updates
• Improves stability when upgrading a project with the structural setting Check for Member Supports enabled.*
• Improves stability when creating an automatic beam system which results in short Joist elements.*
• Improves data integrity of column families location when a Revit model is inserted as a group.
• Improves stability when editing the base offset of a column.
• Improves stability when placing a structural column using improper family parameters.
• Improves stability when changing a variable floor layer to use the function ‘Structural Deck’.
Autodesk® Revit® API 2015 Updates
• Improves reliability of retrieving the current selection in an API Dockable Pane.*
• Restricts the deletion of the drafting solid fill pattern from a model by any method, including the API.*
• Improves API behavior to reflect the user interface by enabling the API user to 1) open a local model when ignorable worksharing exceptions occur, such as a central model missing; and 2) open a host model (local or central) when ignorable worksharing exceptions occur on loading the linked model, such as a linked model missing.*
• Improves stability when errors are posted during calling API Document.SynchronizeWithCentral by addons.*
• Corrects the API by changing the exception from SEHException to OperationCanceledException for API Selection.PickBox.*
• Improves stability when the Pick Points API was invoked from within a Dockable Frame.*
Vladimír Michl (moderátor)
Arkance Systems s.r.o. - www.arkance-systems.cz
(podpora viz hd.cads.cz)
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