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Téma uzavřenoUpdate 4 pro Revit 2016 R2

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Vladimír Michl Zobrazit panel
Arkance Systems

Přihlášen: 09.zář.2004
Lokalita: ČR (JČ)
Dodáváme produkty Autodesk
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Bodů: 21485
Přímý odkaz na tuto zprávu Téma: Update 4 pro Revit 2016 R2
    Zasláno: 07.dub.2016 v 18:29
Byl uveden Update 4 pro Autodesk Revit 2016 R2 a Revit LT 2016 R2. Ke stažení v sekci Download nebo přes Desktop App. Přehled oprav v UR4:
  • Update 4 for Release 2
    • Platform
      • Assembly
        • Corrects an issue where an adaptive component in an assembly would not type match properly and instead would cause a new assembly type to be created.*
      • Color Fill
        • Corrects an issue which causes a color fill schema from being applied when using undo and redo commands.*
      • Groups
        • Corrects an issue where face-hosted families in a group did not rotate correctly when the group was rotated by 90 degrees.*
      • Linked RVT
        • Improves stability when reloading a linked RVT file.*
      • Worksharing
        • Corrects a failure during simultaneous Synchronize with Central requests when the model is hosted within Revit Server.*
        • Corrects an issue which prevented existing models within Revit Server from being replaced.*
  • Platform
    • Assembly
      • Corrects an issue where an adaptive component in an assembly would not type match properly and instead would cause a new assembly type to be created.*
    • Color Fill
      • Corrects an issue which causes a color fill schema from being applied when using undo and redo commands.*
    • Groups
      • Corrects an issue where face-hosted families in a group did not rotate correctly when the group was rotated by 90 degrees.*
    • Linked RVT
      • Improves stability when reloading a linked RVT file.*
    • Worksharing
      • Corrects a failure during simultaneous Synchronize with Central requests when the model is hosted within Revit Server.*
      • Corrects an issue which prevented existing models within Revit Server from being replaced.*
Vladimír Michl (moderátor)
Arkance Systems s.r.o. - www.arkance-systems.cz
(podpora viz hd.cads.cz)
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