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Color Tabs plugin for colorizing Revit tabs #revit #plugin #addon

Vytištěno z: CAD Fórum
Kategorie: ARKANCE/CAD Studio
Název fóra: RSS kanály
Popis fóra: Automaticky publikované informace z dalších web služeb
URL: https://www.cadforum.cz/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=34826
Datum vytištění: 17.led.2025 v 09:12

Téma: Color Tabs plugin for colorizing Revit tabs #revit #plugin #addon
Odeslal: YouTube RSS
Předmět: Color Tabs plugin for colorizing Revit tabs #revit #plugin #addon
Datum odeslání: 08.led.2024 v 09:30
Color Tabs plugin for colorizing Revit tabs #revit #plugin #addon

Download the trial version of Color Tabs for Revit: https://help.arkance-systems.com/color-tabs/v/en-13/general/about Color Tabs is an Autodesk Revit plugin, which colorizes Revit tabs according to the project or family they belong to. With all tabs color coded, the user gets instant overview when working with multiple open files. The tool also offers an option to close projects including all open views with just one mouse-click. #arkancesystems #revit #autodesk #colortabs #colorizetabs #ARKANCE

08.01.2024 9:30:01

Viz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Udjr0est6Q - pokračování...

http://www.youtube.com/CADstudioCZ - youtube.com/CADstudioCZ - video kanál CAD Studia

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