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31.01.2010, 21:57

I drew a athletic track and field which I drew looking down at the track and now I'm trying to save it in a 3D look, which when I clicked on (Constrained Orbit) it looks 3d.
I'm trying to copy a portion of a drawing which I'm viewing in (constrained orbit) over to a new drawing viewing it regular.  When I paste the orbited portion drawing to the new one it shows it in the original look not the orbit look. 
How do I turn the Orbit print into a regular dwg like my original dwg looking down onto the track and field?
Thanks Paul.

06.02.2010, 16:21
Have I stumped everyone, No ideas? 
I did fiqure out when I copied the track over to my Avery program it showed it in the 3D look I'm looking for and I copied it from Avery back in to cad regular view and it worked, however it lost quality and doesn't print as good.
Still looking for ideas.
Thanks Paul.