Display full version of the post: An AutoCAD 2012 Nudge to Get Going after Vacation

11.07.2011, 17:50
Just returning from a week long vacation although you may have noticed in social media, the blog, and on email I failed in remaining disconnected during the week long wind down. Here is the list of things I did over the course of the week off: Spent quality time with the family including the July Fourth holiday and defended my house from all the newly legalized aerial fireworks coming in from other neighbors. Mowed the lawn a few times, edged the yard, weeded the garden, spruced up the fish pond. Climbed up Bells Canyon with my oldest son. Hiked the San Rafael desert in South Eastern Utah photographing thousands of years old petroglyphs and pictographs. Got my Google+ account, explored it and gave away several Google+ accounts, and still have a couple invites left to give out. Google+ is the new social networking hub for Google that combines Facebook and Twitter into one. Very interesting product but what I find best is the Hangout video chatting with up to 10 people. In fact I had a Hangout chat with Curt Moreno aka Kung Fu Drafter for an article he is wrinting. We need to hold a Hangout chat among 10 bloggers or geeks every two weeks and discuss what's going on out there and new technology. Will Google+ succeed, only time will tell but in reality I did not need another social network to keep active in. It is definitely a work in progress and working on plumbing, API, and other network integrations completed. Perhaps the bigger question is will Google pull a Buzz or Wave (RIP) by not establishing this social network option clearly defined and unique and a standard worth peoples time instead of just another friend feed aggregator. How do I get my Facebook and Twitter photos and updates linked instead of posting by copy paste to each also how do I use my Flickr within Google+ Picasa instead of having to use another hosted photo solution just to use Google+. Took many photos to process them to 3D models using the free Autodesk Project Photofly including interesting geology and ant hills as tests to create 3D models and point clouds. Now I need a good caffeinated nudge to get me going and thought I would play on that with explaining the new AutoCAD 2012 Nudge feature as well as drinking a strong iced coffee. In AutoCAD 2012 there was a new Nudge feature added. Some used to raster editing applications may recognize this Nudge ability, but AutoCAD users have always asked the AutoCAD Team why they could not move an object simply using their arrow keys. Well now you can do just that in AutoCAD 2012. Use the Ctrl key and the arrow key to nudge a selected object a few pixels at a time. Since it uses the arrow keys it is limited to orthogonal moves. Give Nudge a try! Cheers, Shaan Go to the original post...