Display full version of the post: Annotative Text

Jessica Healy
10.01.2013, 01:25

I trying to create a an xref that contains annotative text (Lot No's), that will allow me to have multiple copies of the text at one scale say (1:500) in different position and a different a different no. of text at different scale say (1:1500).
Is this possible to do using annotative text or do i need to revert back to the old way of different layers at different scale?

10.01.2013, 07:48

Hi, Jessica!I love annotative text questions, so I played with
this.  I think you can do what you want all in the base file that you'll
eventually use as your xref.  Simply create the text in that file as
you need it.  Make the text you want to see at 1:500 annotative at 1:500
and any other text you want to see at 1:1500 annotative at 1:1500. 
Then save the file.When you xref it you'll
need to be sure you have 1:500 and 1:1500 scales in the destination drawing.  If
you don't, create them.  But as far as I can see, when you set 1:500 or
1:1500 in the new drawing the correct text from the xref will display the way you'd expect.I
created a simple example for you.  Save this file and xref it into
another file to see what happens at the different scale settings.  Let
me know if this isn't what you're after.Dave.uploads/20130110_075321_xref_basefile.dwg

heinsite2013-01-10 07:57:21

Jessica Healy
10.01.2013, 08:10
Hi Dave,
This is what I have ended up doing, not quite my intentions at the start but works for what I need it to do this time as I wont need to edit the text often.
Thanks for replying.

10.01.2013, 08:35
Hey, Jess!Glad it works.  The first priority always is to get the job done... whatever it takes.The next priority is to figure out how to do it better the next time. You'll always have time for priority #2 if you take care of #1.  Dave