Display full version of the post: auto lips

09.06.2009, 17:10
which computer languge is use for auto lips? is any book is avilable for study autolips tutorial?

09.06.2009, 17:41
It is a Dialog Control Language.  To me it is a mix between java and C++  languages.  I have used the "Customizing AUTOCAD 2006" by Sham Tickoo  help me understand them better.  It helps if you are familiar with programming languages in order to write them. I hope this helps.

09.06.2009, 18:28
Lisp is one of the oldest "high level" programming languages still in use (FORTRAN's another) and stands for List Processing language (or something similar).
Besides AutoCAD, it's still widely used in programming robotics.  There is much information available on the web.  One favorite for programming ACAD - beginning through advanced - is afralisp.net