Display full version of the post: Autocad 14 Mouse scroll wheel help?!?

21.05.2008, 17:16
I just started working at a firm that uses AutoCad14
Im used to using AutoCad2008 that actually has a use for the mouse scroll wheel (zoom in/out, pan, etc)
Is there anyway to set up the mouse scroll wheel in AutoCad14 to zoome in/out, pan or scroll up/down/left/right etc. ??

Vladimir Michl
22.05.2008, 15:39
Yes, you can load the ACAD iMouse ARX utility for R14.

22.05.2008, 18:18
got it!  thanks.  I am the envy of the office  thanks to you!!
Just one minor issue now.
Right now when I push down the scroll wheel in autocad, it brings up the same menu as pushing the enter key.
Is there any way to cancel out that push binding?  I think if the binding was taken away, I can set pan to just push scroll button instead of the push button + control keyfarbs2008-05-22 18:56:21

22.05.2008, 20:16

Wow this does work! Awesome.To keep the menu from popping up follow these instructions:http://paulkohut.tripod.com/aim2/aim2mnu.htmcgrob2008-05-22 20:20:05