Display full version of the post: AutoCAD 3D scene rendering

05.05.2015, 11:58
Hi all! I want to make a render similar to (inspired by) this one:Original size here.But i'm not sure how to make the grass and trees in AutoCAD...Do i have to model them?If so, can i use a matrix over a surface to spread the model? How?Can i use blocks? Is there some kind of block that will render like in the picture?thanks! 

Vladimir Michl
05.05.2015, 13:47

This was probably Photoshopped together from a rendered model and a photo. But grass/trees 3D renderings are much easier (and nicer) from 3ds Max (a part of AutoCAD Design Suite).

05.05.2015, 17:59
Hi there! Thanks for the answer Vladimir. I know it would be much easier in 3ds, Rhino, etc., but unfortunately i have to do the render in AutoCAD (silly, i know), but it's a work for college. I wonder if something similar can be done with AutoCAD. PS: The picture is from this blog.