Display full version of the post: AutoCAD Import Object Scale

30.09.2011, 06:05

i have alot of problem when doing some conversion from inventor to autocad and vice versa. the problem is like this.. i want to scale a 3d object but i still don`t know if can do this in inventor so i brought/export the object to *.SAT then insert them to autocad but wow... in autocad the measurement became so wrong..  (small)as an info: i have change the unit setting in autocad to mm (set to match the inventor setting) before i do the insertion of *.SAT to autocadi change the measurement through menu format > unit > insertion scale and if the i scale the object to follow the right measurement at autocad.. then when i open in inventor it also became so wrong (its huge)but this doesn't happening in export and import using inventor with another 3d package ie: spaceclaim but space claim can't also do the scalingso what did i do wrong here..  and could you point me how to do the right export and import in autocad..thanks*i use autocad and inventor 2010 and tested also with spaceclaim 2010
kampret062011-09-30 06:10:43