Display full version of the post: Change Block AttributeText Style Globally

30.10.2012, 15:23
New to the forum.
Is it possible to change the existing text style of block attributes globally in an AutoCad drawing? So far I can only change one at a time by doing attribute edit or AT at the command line.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Glenngsksun42012-10-30 20:10:03

philippe JOSEPH
30.10.2012, 15:34
Hello, if you type STYLE you will have access at the standard text style for all the drawing.
I have not tried with texts in blocks because I don't use text in blocks.
Please let us know about your experimentations....

30.10.2012, 15:41
[QUOTE=philippe JOSEPH]Hello, if you type STYLE you will have access at the standard text style for all the drawing.
I have not tried with texts in blocks because I don't use text in blocks.
Please let us know about your experimentations....[/QUOTE]

I have changed the style in the TEXT STYLE window and now it's set to ROMANS, however that does not change the style of the text in the block I want to change. This block appears many times in the drawing. I opened the block editor and brought up the block and tried to change with the properties palette within the block editor, but there is no style on the palette.
I'm using AutoCad 2009 LT and I know there are limitations in Lite.
Thank you for the quick response.