Display full version of the post: Changing layer names via a database

31.08.2007, 11:16
Hey guysWorking on a project where i need to connect to a access database and change layer names in the drawing to a new layer name. The database got a table with a LDN field(Old Layer) and a Proposed_Layer field(New Layer).Before changing the layers i want it to check its status for example; if its locked etc.The code is as follows, but seem to get a Compile error: Do without LoopPrivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()'declare variablesDim oAccess As New ADODB.ConnectionDim strConn As StringDim CHGLAY As RecordsetDim LayCnt As IntegerDim X As IntegerDim Y As IntegerDim LaySet As AcadSelectionSetDim FilterType(0) As IntegerDim FilterData(0) As VariantDim Ent As AcadEntityDim ConVLay As BooleanDim Layfal As Integer 'thats layer false'initiate layer countLayCnt = ThisDrawing.Layers.Count'set connection stringstrConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _             "Data Source=" & "E:\Standards.mdb" & ";"'make connection to databaseSet oAccess = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")oAccess.Open strConnCHGLAY.Open "Select !LDN & !Proposed_Layer from MS_Layers Where Len(!LDN)>0)"Layfal = 0Y = 0For Y = 0 To LayCnt - 1  'check if layers are locked  ConVLay = FalseNext    If ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(Y).Lock = True Then      ConVLay = True    Else      CHGLAY.MoveFirst        Do Until CHGLAY.EOF          If UCase(ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(Y).Name) + UCase(CHGLAY!LDN) Then            X = 0              For X = 0 To LayCnt - 1                If UCase(ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(X).Name) = UCase(CHGLAY!Proposed_Layer) Then                                    FilterType(0) = 8                  FilterData(0) = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(Y).Name                                                    Set LaySet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("LayerChange")                                    LaySet.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterType, FilterData                                  For Each Ent In LaySet                      Ent.Layer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(X).Name                    Next                      ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("LayerChange").Delete                                            ConVLay = True                      Exit For                      End If                    Next                                          If ConVLay = False Then                        CHGLAY.MoveFirst                          Do Until CHGLAY.EOF                            If UCase(ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(Y).Name) = UCase(CStr(CHGLAY!Proposed_Layer)) Then                              ConVLay = True                            Exit Do                            End If                          CHGLAY.MoveNext                          Loop                      End If                                            If ConVLay = True Then                        ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(Y).LayerOn = False                      ElseIf ConVLay = False Then                        Layfal = Layfal + 1                                                ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(Y).LayerOn = True                      End If                                                            If Layfal = 0 Then                                            Else                          ReDim arrLay(0 To Layfal - 1) As Variant                            Y = 0                            X = 0                                        For Y = 0 To LayCnt - 1                      If ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(Y).LayerOn = True Then                        arrLay(X) = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(Y).Name                        X = X + 1                      End If                    Next                                        LstErrLay.List() = arrLay                                            End If                                        CHGLAY.Close                    oAccess.Close    ThisDrawing.PurgeAll    ThisDrawing.Application.Update    ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports    ThisDrawing.Application.ZoomExtents    ThisDrawing.SetVariable "FIELDEVAL", 23    ThisDrawing.SetVariable "USERI5", 99  MsgBox "DONE!"End IfEnd Sub

Vladimir Michl
31.08.2007, 11:30
Yes, your outer Do doesn't end with a Loop.
You can also try our RNL.LSP - see:

31.08.2007, 11:52
heyi cant seem to get that loop at right place.  where exactly is that Do without Loop...

Vladimir Michl
31.08.2007, 12:16
Well, every DO must end with a LOOP. I have not looked deeply into your code but you have 2 DOs and a single LOOP only - so there is a syntax error.

31.08.2007, 14:19
F#@KED!!! it took me 2 hours to get that loop error away. but it working excellently. COOL MAN