Display full version of the post: Contract Work Blues???

12.08.2008, 17:42
Hey y'all,I know this is off topic, but I am in desperate need of some advice, and I'll take any I can getCurrently, I like my job okay.. I have awesome insurance with great benefits, but since I was hired on as entry level.. They kinda screwed me on my hourly rate (I'm a direct hire) $3 less than most entry level CAD drafters make. PLus, we are transferring our drawings from Visio to CAD (Correction, I am transferring our drawings from Visio toCAD) so I'm not really doing anything major, but I am supposed to train my co-workers on CAD, which I'm no expert at yet myself, and they have used Visio for so long that they are set in their ways, and don't really want to learn CAD. And, they have me making the company templates, blocks, and core drawings for the whole company (which is a gi-normous task considering I'm only entry level, and have been using CAD for only about 6 months now myself.)So I have been looking for something else.I went to an interview yesterday, and was notified today that they want to hire me... The only problem is.. I would be hired on as a contractor. I have an idea what that entales, but I'm not really sure what the perks are.. And they didn't talk to me at all about what I would be making, but everyone I interviewed with is really nice, and I would actually have people in my office who know how to use CAD (a mentor so 2 speak), and can help me and answer my questions, and I won't have the burden of converting an entire company from using Visio to CAD.I do like the job I have now, but I don't feel I'm getting paid enough for the effort I have been putting forth, and I feel extremely overwhelmed and stressed being the only person in an 80 something people company who knows how to use CAD. Not to mention my boss is kind of a jerk, and he constantly makes me feel uncomfortable (staring, making me bend over to measure the new office space in front of him.), I'm the only woman in my entire company. And.... What should I do??? Any and ALL advice is welcome. I'm stuck in this decision, and I have no idea which direction I should take.

12.08.2008, 18:22
I have been on here on and off for quite awhile and that I would have to say is the toughest question to answer.
As far as contract work goes would they be willing to hire you full time after the contract is up?  Do they have good benefits?  Are there other women?
As far as your other issue (under paid for the number of jobs you do) I am sure there are several of us out there that are in the same boat.  I am also the only one in my company that knows anything about CAD, Computer, or anything else technical, and I am also the CNC plaz table operator/trainer.....and oh yeah the copy maker..LOL.  For me the benefits make up for the Bosses...yes I said Bosses..I have 3 and sometimes 4 and none of them talk to each other about anything and if they do they argue most of the day...very frustrating.  But as I said the benefits - I can work overtime quite often, I can take time off when I need it and even at the last min, and also the overall environment is very relaxed.  If any of these were to go away I would be looking as well.
As for the last issue it sounds like there is some unprofessional behavior on your Boss's part and only you can decided how much of that you want to put up with and/or how far you will let it go before either you say something or quit because of it.
You might want to make your boss aware that you he is watching you in an unprofessional way and that you don't like it.  As far as your pay goes you need to confront your Boss about a pay raise and state all the things you are doing..make a list.
I know this is a bit long but I hope it helps.
 Breeze1042008-08-12 18:23:20

12.08.2008, 18:30
Long is good.
I really appreciate your reply.

12.08.2008, 18:40
Your welcome.
Also, I was just thinking that it might make a difference if you bread winner in the family or if you are single.  If single, job hopping (which is the norm these days) might not be as hard on the pocket.
But before you make any decission you need to know what they are going to pay and for how long and as I stated earlier weather or not they will hire you full time after the contract is over.

12.08.2008, 19:46
Thanks so much for your input.
I am 75% sure I'm going to take the contract... I talked to the company, and they agreed to put it in writing that if I stay past 90 days they will hire me into the company officially, and they are going to pay $4 more an hour than I'm making right now.
I still need a night to sleep on it though, I haven't made up my mind completely, and I had another interview last week somewhere else I like alot. So it's really a matter of time I guess before I pick something new.
I did address the sexual harassment issues during my interview, and the guy who wants to hire me let me know that they have no tolerance for it there.. So this could be good for me.

12.08.2008, 20:26
Well it sounds like you are wanted, it just depends on who wants ($$) you more...LOL
Good luck

12.08.2008, 20:45