Display full version of the post: convert 3d polyline to polyline

03.04.2009, 01:23
I have a 3Dpolyline & want to convert it to a normal polyline without exploding & getting a million lines. Can anyone help?

03.04.2009, 04:08
if you have Civil 3D autoCAD you can go to Surface>Utilities>Convert 3D poly to 2D poly.  If you do not.. Here is a lisp program you can use to convert it.  Also if your 3D poly has "Z" elevations you need to get rid of I have a lisp to Flatten the "Z" value to 0. It is below as well
Convert 3D to 2D Poly
;;CADALYST 09/03 AutoLISP Solutions;;; PLINE-3D-2D.LSP - a program to convert;;; 3D polylines to 2D;;; Program by Tony Hotchkiss
(defun pline-3d-2d ()  (vl-load-com)  (setq *thisdrawing* (vla-get-activedocument   (vlax-get-acad-object)        ) ;_ end of vla-get-activedocument *modelspace*  (vla-get-ModelSpace *thisdrawing*)  ) ;_ end of setq  (setq 3d-pl-list  (get-3D-pline)  ) ;_ end of setq  (if 3d-pl-list    (progn      (setq vert-array-list (make-list 3d-pl-list))      (setq n (- 1))      (repeat (length vert-array-list) (setq vert-array (nth (setq n (1+ n)) vert-array-list)) (setq lyr (vlax-get-property (nth n 3d-pl-list) 'Layer)) (setq obj (vla-AddPolyline *modelspace* vert-array)) (vlax-put-property obj 'Layer lyr)      ) ;_ end of repeat      (foreach obj 3d-pl-list (vla-delete obj))    ) ;_ end of progn  ) ;_ end of if) ;_ end of pline-3d-2d
(defun get-3D-pline ()  (setq pl3dobj-list nil obj      nil 3d      "AcDb3dPolyline"  ) ;_ end of setq  (setq selsets (vla-get-selectionsets *thisdrawing*))  (setq ss1 (vlax-make-variant "ss1"))  (if (= (vla-get-count selsets) 0)    (setq ssobj (vla-add selsets ss1))  ) ;_ end of if  (vla-clear ssobj)  (setq Filterdata (vlax-make-variant "POLYLINE"))  (setq no-ent 1)  (while no-ent    (vla-Selectonscreen ssobj)    (if (> (vla-get-count ssobj) 0)      (progn (setq no-ent nil) (setq i (- 1)) (repeat (vla-get-count ssobj)   (setq     obj (vla-item ssobj     (vlax-make-variant (setq i (1+ i)))  ) ;_ end of vla-item   ) ;_ end of setq   (cond     ((= (vlax-get-property obj "ObjectName") 3d)      (setq pl3dobj-list      (append pl3dobj-list (list obj))      ) ;_ end of setq     )   ) ;_ end-of cond ) ;_ end of repeat      ) ;_ end of progn      (prompt "\nNo entities selected, try again.")    ) ;_ end of if    (if (and (= nil no-ent) (= nil pl3dobj-list))      (progn (setq no-ent 1) (prompt "\nNo 3D-polylines selected.") (quit)      ) ;_ end of progn    ) ;_ end of if  ) ;_ end of while    (vla-delete (vla-item selsets 0))  pl3dobj-list) ;_ end of get-3D-pline
(defun get-3D-pline-old ()  (setq no-ent 1)  (setq filter '((-4 . "<AND")   (0 . "POLYLINE")   (70 . 8)   (-4 . "AND>")  )  ) ;_ end of setq  (while no-ent    (setq ss        (ssget filter)   k        (- 1)   pl3dobj-list nil   obj        nil   3d        "AcDb3dPolyline"    ) ;_ end-of setq    (if ss      (progn (setq no-ent nil) (repeat (sslength ss)   (setq ent (ssname ss (setq k (1+ k)))  obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)   ) ;_ end-of setq   (cond     ((= (vlax-get-property obj "ObjectName") 3d)      (setq pl3dobj-list      (append pl3dobj-list (list obj))      ) ;_ end of setq     )   ) ;_ end-of cond ) ;_ end-of repeat      ) ;_ end-of progn      (prompt "\nNo 3D-polylines selected, try again.")    ) ;_ end-of if  ) ;_ end-of while  pl3dobj-list) ;_ end of get-3D-pline-old
(defun make-list (p-list)  (setq i (- 1) vlist nil calist nil  ) ;_ end of setq  (repeat (length p-list)    (setq obj  (nth (setq i (1+ i)) p-list)   coords (vlax-get-property obj "coordinates")   ca  (vlax-variant-value coords)    ) ;_ end-of setq    (setq calist (append calist (list ca)))  ) ;_ end-of repeat) ;_ end-of make-list
(defun c:pl32 ()  (pline-3d-2d)  (princ)) ;_ end of pl32
(prompt "Enter PL32 to start: ")
Flatten "Z" Coordinates
;;;;  Flatten.lsp - Converts 3d geometry to 2d geometry.;;;;  Copyright © 1999 by Autodesk, Inc.;;;;  Your use of this software is governed by the terms and conditions;;  of the License Agreement you accepted prior to installation of this;;  software.  Please note that pursuant to the License Agreement for this;;  software, "[c]opying of this computer program or its documentation;;  except as permitted by this License is copyright infringement under;;  the laws of your country.  If you copy this computer program without;;  permission of Autodesk, you are violating the law.";;;;  AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS.;;  AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF;;  MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE.  AUTODESK, INC.;;  DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE;;  UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(defun c:flatten ( / ss ans ) (acet-error-init (list nil 1))  (princ "\nSelect objects to convert to 2d...") (if (not acet:flatn-hide)     (setq acet:flatn-hide "No") );if  (if (and (setq ss (ssget "_:l" '((-4 . "<NOT") (0 . "VIEWPORT") (-4 . "NOT>"))));setq          (setq ss (car (acet-ss-filter (list ss nil T))))     );and     (progn      (initget "Yes No")      (setq ans (getkword                  (acet-str-format "\nRemove hidden lines? <%1>: "                                  acet:flatn-hide                 )                );getkword      );setq      (if (not ans)          (setq ans acet:flatn-hide)          (setq acet:flatn-hide ans)       );if      (if (equal ans "No")          (acet-flatn ss nil)          (acet-flatn ss T)      );if     );progn then );if (acet-error-restore));defun c:flatten
(acet-autoload2 '("FLATTENSUP.LSP" (acet-flatn ss hide)))(princ)
I hope these Help.....

03.04.2009, 04:58

Thanks, i got it from