Display full version of the post: Extra line types in drawings, which can't delete ?

04.12.2012, 12:53
Dear friends,
We have had an issue with extra line types showing up in our drawings that we cannot remove. Even though none of the line types are being used, we are unable to delete them from the drawing. I am facing this problem for a bunch of drawings. So I am looking for an .exe file which can clean up all the unwanted line types from my bunch of drawings. Could any one can help me?
Joy Jacobjoyjakob20022012-12-04 12:53:34

John Connor
05.12.2012, 00:36
Have you purged?Have you audited?Have you tried a DXFOUT/DXFIN?Have you tried WBLock?

05.12.2012, 08:30
Hi John,
 Yes by DXFOUT it's get cleaned. But it's affected my bunch of drawings. So I have to do one by one. In that case I am looking something like .exe file which can clean by one stretch. You may aware, there was a sort of issue earlier for unwanted annotation scales are creating in drawings which will hang up the files and I found a cleanupscale.exe file to sort out this problem. So I am expecting somthing like that which may help lots of people.
Joy Jacob

John Connor
05.12.2012, 11:39
I think you have a long wait ahead of you then if you're expecting a .exe solution.You'll have to resort to using a script and then running a batch operation on the files.