Display full version of the post: How to convert 3D faces or mesh to line?

17.10.2013, 16:34
Hi. I have a complicated 3d mesh and i want to use some edges in another software. The software accepts lines and i want to convert mesh to simple lines. I can make 3d polyline from the mesh but i can't convert it to line.Does anyone know how we can convert mesh to line or 3d face to line or 3d polyline to line?

John Connor
17.10.2013, 18:05
What criteria does this have to meet?  Might as well set all the ground rules now so we don't spend a lot of wasted time (ours and yours).  Be thorough with your explanations as the more information we have the better.  Thanks.Oh, it should go without saying but I'll say it anyways.  Tell us what you have tried so far so we can eliminate those suggestions right off the bat.

Vladimir Michl
17.10.2013, 18:46

You can try our 3DFL utility (see Download) to convert 3DFaces to 3D Lines. See:http://www.cadforum.cz/cadforum_en/how-to-use-3dfaces-as-a-definition-for-terrain-surface-tip7216

19.10.2013, 07:06
Hi.Thank you both. Someone helped me to find 3DF2L lisp routine here:http://www.cadforum.cz/cadforum_en/download.asp?cat=33It makes lines of 3D faces.I also should say thanks to someone who wrote this routine.

Vladimir Michl
22.10.2013, 07:27

You are welcome. ^v^