Display full version of the post: IFC coverter

08.05.2009, 10:13
Hi friends, I am Sreedhar Ambati. I am new to this CAD field.
From my client I got some IFC files ( infrastructure framework classes). I am using DDS-CAD viewer tool to look into .ifc files. They are displaying some images after taking these ifc files as input.I am having a IFC file.I want to convert that file into SVG format.Is there any tool to do this?If so please let me know.I want to display the objects present in IFC file in a treeview like structure in Microsoft Sharepoint server .This is my final output .
My email id: ambatisreedhar@hotmail.com
Sreedhar Ambatihttp://ambatisreedhar.spaces.live.comhttp://ambatisreedhar.wordpress.com