Display full version of the post: Lisp to match rotation

27.07.2011, 16:34
does anyone have a lisp that matches only the rotation angle of a particular piece of text, without changing any other properties?

John Connor
27.07.2011, 18:10
Can't you use the Match Properties command?

27.07.2011, 18:22

does anyone have a lisp that matches only the rotation angle of a particular piece of text, without changing any other properties?[/QUOTE]
Is text created as single text or Mltext?

27.07.2011, 21:34
I don't want to use matchprop, because it matches all the props, and I don't want that, as my texts are in different layers and with different properties that I don't want to change.

It is a single text.

28.07.2011, 07:44
If you want to change the rotation of text without changing any other property, use filter command to select text and modify rotation angle from properties dialog box.

John Connor
29.07.2011, 15:21
Pay a visit to the CADalyst magazine website.  See their CAD Tips and Tricks section.  A number of people have posted custom lisp routines.  Maybe you'll find one that suits your needs.

02.08.2011, 16:21
I'll try to find something close.