Display full version of the post: loading SHX font

12.07.2010, 18:23
How do I upload a SHX font to AutoCAD LT 2009?
Here is what I tried doing and it still doesn't work!

1.  First copy the shx file you wish to use.
2.  Then copy it into the autocad fonts directories. This directory can be found on your local drive "c" under the program files directory. 
3. Select the Autocad program version that you are using and select the fonts folder.
 4.  Paste the shx font to this directory
 5.  You will have to restart autocad to use the new shx font.rebe2010-07-12 18:31:28

12.07.2010, 19:00
I always had a problem I get a message that he does not SHX some files that I send. And if you do not