Display full version of the post: Lock-Block 2D/ 3D

19.01.2012, 01:11
Hey there,
I'm wondering if some has some 3d blocks of Lock-blocks or knows where I can locate some. I have Jersey blocks but need to use a Lock-block system. Thanks

John Connor
19.01.2012, 12:00
Lock-blocks like those used to build a retaining wall?

19.01.2012, 14:23
Hi there, yes but use in industrial or commercial retaining wall.  The lock block weights about 4400 lbs for basic lego block. I used to have 3D blocks for jersey barricades and 4 different lock-block sizes but my hard drive crapped out on me

John Connor
19.01.2012, 18:16
You must have a manufacturer's name don't you?

22.01.2012, 08:02
manufacturer's name is not as much important i think so

John Connor
22.01.2012, 12:55
How important would the name be if the manufacturer made 2D and/or 3D blocks of their product available for free download from their website?Creating your own is an option too.

John Connor
23.01.2012, 12:17

I'm willing to bet you haven't gotten very far with this have you?UltraBlock Inc. makes something they call the Lock-Block Retaining Wall System.  I've provided a link to the site below.  When you get to their home page click on the tab labeled "Design/Engineering".  In the drop down menu select "Design manual/Software".  At the next page look to the right.  Click on the button labeled "Download Design Software".  This will download a 11MB file called Ultrawall.msi which should be enough to get you started.http://www.ultrablock.com/But the very best part is if you click on "Downloads" under the same tab.  There you will get the opportunity to download CAD drawings and/or PDF files.Is that freakin' amazing or what?And you know how I found UltraBlock?  I did a search on manufacturer names for retaining walls.  Funny how that worked out isn't it?  I followed my own advice (the same advice I gave you as a matter of fact).Have fun!

John Connor2012-01-23 12:21:25

23.01.2012, 21:11
John,  next time just use this:  http://lmgtfy.com/


John Connor
23.01.2012, 23:50
Is it that some people just don't know how to search for something on the Internet, are they lazy, or do they genuinely not have a clue?In this case the OP was the one that used the words "Lock Block".  That seems pretty specific to me.  He couldn't just do a search on that?Peeps!  Show some initiative.  Thanks, and have a sparkling day.

John Connor
26.01.2012, 18:27
I guess ddd...didn't need the information after all.