Display full version of the post: Lock/ unlock viewports

20.10.2014, 08:54

I have got a lisp file that will defun 2 commands. One command shall lock all of my viewports and also changes the color of all those locked viewports into green.The other command shall unlock all of the viewports and the color changes into red. Sometimes I do have something strange: I do have some viewports. They are all unlocked (color red). When I create a new viewport, the viewport is unlocked and his color is "by layer". The following action is to lock all the viewports.The color of all the viewports is changed into the color green except 1. The color of the last drawed viewport also changed. But not into the color green but in red. The color of unlocked viewports.Do I look to the properties of the red colored viewport, the display is locked. If I unlock all of the viewports with the created command, the color of all te green colored viewport shall change into red. But the red colored locked viewport jumpes into the green color. How is this possible? This is my lisp file; (vl-load-com)(defun dxf (n ed) (cdr (assoc n ed)))(defun c:vpl (/ AD COUNT ENT I PL SS TABNAME VP VPNO)    (setq ad (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))     (vlax-for lay (vla-get-layouts ad)        (if (/= (setq TabName (strcase (vla-get-name lay))) "MODEL") ;_ end of /=            (progn                (if (setq ss (ssget                                 "X"                                 (list (cons 0 "viewport")                                 ) ;_ end of list                             ) ;_ end of ssget                    ) ;_ end of setq                    (progn                        (setq count (sslength ss))                        (setq i 0)                        (if (> count 0)                            (progn                                (while (< i count)                                    (setq                                        ent (ssname ss                                                    i                                            ) ;_ end of ssname                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                    (setq vpNo                                             (dxf                                                 69                                                 (entget                                                     ent                                                 ) ;_ end of entget                                             ) ;_ end of dxf                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                    (if (> vpNo 1)                                        (progn                                            (setq vp (vlax-ename->vla-object                                                         ent                                                     ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object                                            ) ;_ end of setq                                            (if (= (vla-get-clipped                                                       vp                                                   ) ;_ end of vla-get-clipped                                                   :vlax-false                                                ) ;_ end of =                                                (progn                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        vp                                                        3                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                                                                           (vla-put-layer                                                        vp                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                ) ;_ end of progn                                                (progn                                                    (setq                                                        pl (entget                                                               (dxf                                                                   340                                                                   (entget                                                                       ent                                                                   ) ;_ end of entget                                                               ) ;_ end of dxf                                                           ) ;_ end of entget                                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                                    ;get clip entity                                                    (setq pl (vlax-ename->vla-object                                                                 (dxf -1                                                                      pl                                                                 ) ;_ end of dxf                                                             ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object                                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        pl                                                        1                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                                    (vla-put-layer                                                        pl                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        vp                                                        1                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                                                                            (vla-put-layer                                                        vp                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                ) ;_ end of progn                                            ) ;_ end of if                                            (vla-put-displaylocked                                                vp                                                :vlax-true                                            ) ;_ end of vla-put-displaylocked                                            (vla-update vp)                                        ) ;_ end of progn                                    ) ;_ end of if                                    (setq i (1+ i))                                ) ;_ end of while                            ) ;_ end of progn                        ) ;_ end of if                    ) ;_ end of progn                ) ;_ end of if            ) ;_ end of progn        ) ;_ end of if    ) ;_ end of vlax-for) ;_ end of defun(defun c:vpu (/ AD COUNT ENT I PL SS TABNAME VP VPNO)    (setq ad (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))     (vlax-for lay (vla-get-layouts ad)        (if (/= (setq TabName (strcase (vla-get-name lay))) "MODEL") ;_ end of /=            (progn                (if (setq ss (ssget                                 "X"                                 (list (cons 0 "viewport")                                 ) ;_ end of list                             ) ;_ end of ssget                    ) ;_ end of setq                    (progn                        (setq count (sslength ss))                        (setq i 0)                        (if (> count 0)                            (progn                                (while (< i count)                                    (setq                                        ent (ssname ss                                                    i                                            ) ;_ end of ssname                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                    (setq vpNo                                             (dxf                                                 69                                                 (entget                                                     ent                                                 ) ;_ end of entget                                             ) ;_ end of dxf                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                    (if (> vpNo 1)                                        (progn                                            (setq vp (vlax-ename->vla-object                                                         ent                                                     ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object                                            ) ;_ end of setq                                            (if (= (vla-get-clipped                                                       vp                                                   ) ;_ end of vla-get-clipped                                                   :vlax-false                                                ) ;_ end of =                                                (progn                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        vp                                                        1                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                        ; 3 green                                                    (vla-put-layer                                                        vp                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                ) ;_ end of progn                                                (progn                                                    (setq                                                        pl (entget                                                               (dxf                                                                   340                                                                   (entget                                                                       ent                                                                   ) ;_ end of entget                                                               ) ;_ end of dxf                                                           ) ;_ end of entget                                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                                    ;get clip entity                                                    (setq pl (vlax-ename->vla-object                                                                 (dxf -1                                                                      pl                                                                 ) ;_ end of dxf                                                             ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object                                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        pl                                                        3                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                                    (vla-put-layer                                                        pl                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        vp                                                        3                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                        ; 3 green                                                    (vla-put-layer                                                        vp                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                ) ;_ end of progn                                            ) ;_ end of if                                            (vla-put-displaylocked                                                vp                                                :vlax-false                                            ) ;_ end of vla-put-displaylocked                                            (vla-update vp)                                        ) ;_ end of progn                                    ) ;_ end of if                                    (setq i (1+ i))                                ) ;_ end of while                            ) ;_ end of progn                        ) ;_ end of if                    ) ;_ end of progn                ) ;_ end of if            ) ;_ end of progn        ) ;_ end of if    ) ;_ end of vlax-for)        Is it also possible, when you (un)lock a viewport in the properties palette, the color changes also? I want to see in a second which viewport is locked or not

28.10.2014, 09:57

I have found the problem. Several times, 3 times in every defun, you'll see:  "(vla-put-color  vp  1)" or  "(vla-put-color  vp  3)" in this lisp. In the defuns "VPU" and "VPL" you'll find them both. I've changed the "(vla-put-color  vp  1)" into "(vla-put-color  vp  3)" in the defun "VPL". And in the defun "VPU", I've changed the "(vla-put-color  vp  3)" into "(vla-put-color  vp  1)". Everything is oke now. If anybody needs the right lisp file; (vl-load-com)(defun dxf (n ed) (cdr (assoc n ed)))(defun c:vpl (/ AD COUNT ENT I PL SS TABNAME VP VPNO)    (setq ad (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))     (vlax-for lay (vla-get-layouts ad)        (if (/= (setq TabName (strcase (vla-get-name lay))) "MODEL") ;_ end of /=            (progn                (if (setq ss (ssget                                 "X"                                 (list (cons 0 "viewport")                                 ) ;_ end of list                             ) ;_ end of ssget                    ) ;_ end of setq                    (progn                        (setq count (sslength ss))                        (setq i 0)                        (if (> count 0)                            (progn                                (while (< i count)                                    (setq                                        ent (ssname ss                                                    i                                            ) ;_ end of ssname                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                    (setq vpNo                                             (dxf                                                 69                                                 (entget                                                     ent                                                 ) ;_ end of entget                                             ) ;_ end of dxf                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                    (if (> vpNo 1)                                        (progn                                            (setq vp (vlax-ename->vla-object                                                         ent                                                     ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object                                            ) ;_ end of setq                                            (if (= (vla-get-clipped                                                       vp                                                   ) ;_ end of vla-get-clipped                                                   :vlax-false                                                ) ;_ end of =                                                (progn                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        vp                                                        3                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                                                                           (vla-put-layer                                                        vp                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                ) ;_ end of progn                                                (progn                                                    (setq                                                        pl (entget                                                               (dxf                                                                   340                                                                   (entget                                                                       ent                                                                   ) ;_ end of entget                                                               ) ;_ end of dxf                                                           ) ;_ end of entget                                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                                    ;get clip entity                                                    (setq pl (vlax-ename->vla-object                                                                 (dxf -1                                                                      pl                                                                 ) ;_ end of dxf                                                             ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object                                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        pl                                                        3                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                                    (vla-put-layer                                                        pl                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        vp                                                        3                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                                                                            (vla-put-layer                                                        vp                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                ) ;_ end of progn                                            ) ;_ end of if                                            (vla-put-displaylocked                                                vp                                                :vlax-true                                            ) ;_ end of vla-put-displaylocked                                            (vla-update vp)                                        ) ;_ end of progn                                    ) ;_ end of if                                    (setq i (1+ i))                                ) ;_ end of while                            ) ;_ end of progn                        ) ;_ end of if                    ) ;_ end of progn                ) ;_ end of if            ) ;_ end of progn        ) ;_ end of if    ) ;_ end of vlax-for) ;_ end of defun(defun c:vpu (/ AD COUNT ENT I PL SS TABNAME VP VPNO)    (setq ad (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))     (vlax-for lay (vla-get-layouts ad)        (if (/= (setq TabName (strcase (vla-get-name lay))) "MODEL") ;_ end of /=            (progn                (if (setq ss (ssget                                 "X"                                 (list (cons 0 "viewport")                                 ) ;_ end of list                             ) ;_ end of ssget                    ) ;_ end of setq                    (progn                        (setq count (sslength ss))                        (setq i 0)                        (if (> count 0)                            (progn                                (while (< i count)                                    (setq                                        ent (ssname ss                                                    i                                            ) ;_ end of ssname                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                    (setq vpNo                                             (dxf                                                 69                                                 (entget                                                     ent                                                 ) ;_ end of entget                                             ) ;_ end of dxf                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                    (if (> vpNo 1)                                        (progn                                            (setq vp (vlax-ename->vla-object                                                         ent                                                     ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object                                            ) ;_ end of setq                                            (if (= (vla-get-clipped                                                       vp                                                   ) ;_ end of vla-get-clipped                                                   :vlax-false                                                ) ;_ end of =                                                (progn                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        vp                                                        1                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                        ; 3 green                                                    (vla-put-layer                                                        vp                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                ) ;_ end of progn                                                (progn                                                    (setq                                                        pl (entget                                                               (dxf                                                                   340                                                                   (entget                                                                       ent                                                                   ) ;_ end of entget                                                               ) ;_ end of dxf                                                           ) ;_ end of entget                                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                                    ;get clip entity                                                    (setq pl (vlax-ename->vla-object                                                                 (dxf -1                                                                      pl                                                                 ) ;_ end of dxf                                                             ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object                                                    ) ;_ end of setq                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        pl                                                        1                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                                    (vla-put-layer                                                        pl                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                    (vla-put-color                                                        vp                                                        1                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-color                                        ; 3 green                                                    (vla-put-layer                                                        vp                                                        "defpoints"                                                    ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer                                                ) ;_ end of progn                                            ) ;_ end of if                                            (vla-put-displaylocked                                                vp                                                :vlax-false                                            ) ;_ end of vla-put-displaylocked                                            (vla-update vp)                                        ) ;_ end of progn                                    ) ;_ end of if                                    (setq i (1+ i))                                ) ;_ end of while                            ) ;_ end of progn                        ) ;_ end of if                    ) ;_ end of progn                ) ;_ end of if            ) ;_ end of progn        ) ;_ end of if    ) ;_ end of vlax-for)