Display full version of the post: Mouse stopped multipicking objects?

07.05.2011, 20:17
Hello all. I was on a role teaching myself Auto Cad when......the left click of the mouse stopped allowing me to click multiple times for multiple objects or allow me to edit the object I pick. Now I have to click erase then click the object. Before I could LEFT click a bunch of objects then click erase and there gone. What happened?  I've looked all over the Option under Tools and come up empty. Please tell me how silly this is and how easy it is to fix. Thanks

John Connor
07.05.2011, 21:22

PICKFIRSTControls whether you
select objects before (noun-verb selection) or after you issue a
The two settings are "0" (select objects after issuing command) or "1" (select objects before issuing a command.PICKADD This value should be set to "1".

John Connor2011-05-07 21:23:15

08.05.2011, 02:11
That was it. I wounder how I changed that in mid flight? Maybe when I imported a drawing from someone else? Anyway it won't be a problem again, thank you very much. You should have seen what I had to do to hatch an object. I could not imagine working in "0" mode. Thanks again my sanity is back.

John Connor
08.05.2011, 13:46
I'm glad to hear that you are back on track.  Some settings are saved with the drawing while other settings are saved in the Windows' Registry.  And a handful of settings are not saved at all if you can believe it.