Display full version of the post: Need block plz

01.02.2019, 06:51
Hello guys, i search block for different thing for construction perhaps you can helped mei search all size for IPN,IPE,UPN and UPE thanks.

philippe JOSEPH
01.02.2019, 07:40
Hello anthosum, I have placed in the CAD/BIOM Blocks library here in the site 4 AutoCAD files.They include all the blocks needed, do use them without exploding them and place them on you layers to have the color and line type that you want because inside them the lines and arcs are "by la yer" for the color and line type.If you explode them ONE time and not TWO you will have access to regions ready for extrusion in 3D.There are eventually other profilers that you should need, ask and I will download other files.

01.02.2019, 07:49
Hi , You can also check the Arcelor Mitttal Website where you can find what you are looking for : http://sections.arcelormittal.com/fr/bibliotheque/fichiers-autocad-des-sections.html ( French website )

01.02.2019, 08:48
thanks foryour answer