Display full version of the post: NEED Grape vine w/leaves

07.03.2013, 22:37
I am in need or a CAD file of a grapevine with leaves....grapes not needed.I need to burn this on a plasma table so if any one has what I am looking for and could post it in either .dwg or .dwf that would be GREAT.Thanks
Breeze1042013-03-07 22:37:58

John Connor
08.03.2013, 15:09
I'd find a BMP, PNG or TIFF image and bring it into AutoCAD.  Then I would trace over it.

08.03.2013, 19:47
I found some.  If anyone else would like them...Here they are.  The one that is"My Teak" is what I needed it for.uploads/109/grapevine_2.zip

Breeze1042013-03-08 19:47:41