Display full version of the post: New Topic Link

17.10.2008, 17:12

Why is it that there isn't a New Topic link on the homepage or the Active Topics page?If that were to happen then maybe there could be a drop down to select which category  it needs to be entered under.That way if you wanted to create a new topic one wouldn't have to go 2-3 layers deep to start a new topic.
Breeze1042008-10-17 17:14:01

Vladimir Michl
18.10.2008, 11:12
We are using a commercial "boxed" application for the forum - so the customizations are limited. But the reason is probably that you have to choose a specific forum before you start a new topic.
A single click (on the forum) from the Active Topics pages is enough to get to the New Topic link.

22.10.2008, 22:25
Ok, Thanks for the info