Display full version of the post: Now That's a Wrench! Largest 3D Printed Wrench

14.12.2012, 10:38
The Largest Ever 3D Printed Wrench! (Video) The largest  3D printed wrench by the new Stratasys Objet1000 printer. It is an example of the new wide format 3D printers ability to create larger objects in ABS plastic. The build size for this 3D printer is a whopping 1000 x 800 x 500 mm. The one thing I think of when seeing this wrench, where is the scary big King Kong like guy that can use this 1.2 meter wrench. Run Sam! Cheers, Shaan Related articles 3D Printing - The Future is Coming to a Print Shop Store Near You Thank you Schuyler "Sledgehammer" St.LegerGo to the original post...