Display full version of the post: precise viewport

02.02.2010, 01:46

Hello I have been  using  autocad for about a year and never boderd with viewports.I just ploted from the model plain.But now I would like  to check autodesk  impression  and the best way(or at least I think)  to make everything  the right scale in impression is to  have  proper plot ready  paper layouts .But I could not find a way to make  the viewports to contain exactly the  surface I want.I found  how to make them in  proper scale but lets say I want to plot A4 sized  surface in 1:1 scale  on  a A4 paper paning  in the layout is not 100% precise  and the image wont be exactly centered.There must be a better way.
volandbg2010-02-02 01:52:18

02.02.2010, 01:59
if I understand your question, you're wondering how to pan in the viewport for an exact placement of Modelspace area?
Usually just panning with the mouse (dragging) gets close enough for practical purposes.  you can zoom into PS near a corner of the Viewport, then pan to closely place something.  Also, you can use "-pan" command and give coordinates for pan displacement.

02.02.2010, 05:50
i had the same problem and his advice does work

04.02.2010, 10:20
I guess I have to get used to it.Thanks for the reply.

05.02.2010, 16:40
If you want to set the scale of your drawing (in a viewport) in paperspace you

1. Click in the viewport
2. Type z return s return 1/20xp. The 20 is the scale you want, so 1/5xp is 1:5 scale etc.
You can also click in the viewport that you want to scale and then click on the VP Scale at the bottom right of the Autocad window. It lets you choose the scale you want.
Hope this is of help.