Display full version of the post: Problem after installing SP1 on vista

23.04.2008, 15:30
I have Vista Home Premium and AutoCAD 2008 on HP Pavillion dv9000 notebook. Before SP1 of Vista was released, I was using AutoCAD 2008 and there was no problem. After Vista SP1 was installed something very strange began to happen: Whenever I start (or shut down) AutoCAD, mouse pointer sticks and system freezes for a moment (at least 15 seconds). I uninstalled AutoCAD 2008 and installed 2009 instead. But the same problem exists. Very annoying problem. Is there any solution for this? Thanks in advance... metehan2008-04-23 15:34:50

25.04.2008, 08:53
I see this is a "question-only" forum...

Vladimir Michl
25.04.2008, 09:50
... or just nobody knows an answer to your question

Please note this is a peer-to-peer forum - some questions may stay unanswered. Your Autodesk dealer or support provider is the one who must answer all your questions.