Display full version of the post: Problem detaching XREF with ObjectDBX library

11.03.2010, 17:25
Using the following VBA code with ObjectDBX Library, it seems impossible to detach (or delete) a XREF block from the Blocks collection even after having previously deleted all the references to the block. Has anyone any idea or suggestion?
In addition:
1) The same code WITHOUT the ObjectDBX library
-succeeds if references exist in only one layout (fails with ObjectDBX library)
-fails if references exist  in mulriple layouts 
2) After having removed the references with this code, opening the file in AUTOCAD removes the block from the blocs collection!!! (but not re-opening it with ObjectDBX Library!)
Sub DetachXrefTest()    Dim oLayout As AXDBLIB.AcadLayout    Dim oBlock As AXDBLIB.AcadBlock    Dim oRef As AXDBLIB.AcadExternalReference    Dim oEntity As AXDBLIB.AcadEntity    Dim vFileName As Variant        Dim ODBX As ODBXClass    '*** SUMMARY of ODBXClass also usable in all VBA interface (EXCEL VBA, WORD VBA,...) *******''Private AxDbDoc As AXDBLIB.AxDbDocument'Private AcadApp As AcadApplication'Private AcadWasNotRunning As Boolean
'Private Sub Class_Initialize()    '    On Error Resume Next'    Set AcadApp = GetObject(, "Autocad.Application")'    If Err <> 0 Then 'AUTOCAD is not running'        AcadWasNotRunning = True'        Err.Clear'        Set AcadApp = CreateObject("Autocad.Application") 'Run a new instance of AUTOCAD'        AcadApp.Visible = False 'Make it not visible'    Else'        AcadWasNotRunning = False'    End If'    On Error GoTo 0'    'Get interface object for all ObjectDBX functions and link it with the'    'AcadApp instance'    Set AxDbDoc = AcadApp.GetInterfaceObject("ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.17")''End Sub
'Private Sub Class_Terminate()'    Cleanup'End Sub
'Private Sub Cleanup()'    On Error Resume Next'    Set AxDbDoc = Nothing'    If AcadWasNotRunning Then'        AcadApp.Quit'    End If'    Set AcadApp = Nothing'End Sub
'Property Get Application() As AcadApplication'    Set Application = AcadApp'End Property''ALL ORIGINAL PROPERTIES AND METHODS ARE THEN OVERWRITED AS FOLLOW''Property Get Blocks() As AXDBLIB.AcadBlocks'    Set Blocks = AxDbDoc.Blocks'End Property''Public Function ObjectIdToObject(ObjectID As AXDBLIB.LONG_PTR) As Object'    Set ObjectIdToObject = AxDbDoc.ObjectIdToObject(ObjectID)'End Function''Public Sub OpenFile(FileName As String, Optional Password)'    Call AxDbDoc.Open(FileName, Password)'End Sub''ETC.....''******** END OF SUMMARY OF MY ODBX Class **************
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler        Set ODBX = New ODBXClass       vFileName = GetOpenFilename(HWND, , "Fichiers Autocad, *.dwg", , "Sélectionner un fichier", , False)        If IsArray(vFileName) Then            ODBX.OpenFile (vFileName(0))                sXrefToRemove = "Name of the XREF to Remove"                For Each oLayout In ODBX.Layouts            For Each oEntity In oLayout.Block                If TypeOf oEntity Is AcadExternalReference Then                    Set oRef = oEntity                    If oRef.Name = sXrefToRemove Then                        Debug.Print "Deleting "; oRef.Name                        oRef.Delete                    End If                End If            Next        Next
        'At this point no error occured but block sXrefToRemove is        'still present in Blocks collection                'Trying to remove it...        ODBX.Blocks(sXrefToRemove).Detach '=> ERROR: method detach of object 'IAcadBlock' failed        GoTo SubExit                'Other possibility but with same result        For Each oBlock In ODBX.Blocks            If oBlock.IsXRef Then                'Debug.Print oBlock.Name                If oBlock.Name = sXrefToRemove Then                    Debug.Print "Detaching "; oBlock.Name                    oBlock.Detach 'Same result at this line                End If            End If        Next            End IfSubExit:    Set oBlock = Nothing    Set oLayout = Nothing    Set oEntity = Nothing    Set oRef = Nothing    Set ODBX = Nothing    Exit SubErrHandler:    Debug.Print "ERROR: "; Err.Description    Resume SubExitEnd Subchmtc942010-03-11 17:30:25