Display full version of the post: Programing Software

24.02.2010, 08:57
Hi Guys
I'm looking at customizing my Autocad with automation and menu's etc but i'm not sure on the correct program to use for 2010 and 2010 Lt as it does not come with Visual basic anymore
If I use visual basic will this effect later versions of cad?
Please help as i'm a newbie on programming and need to get the right program fist time      

Vladimir Michl
24.02.2010, 09:18
You cannot use any relevant API in AutoCAD LT, so this shouldn't be your choice for customizations.
AutoCAD offers several APIs - VisualLISP, ActiveX, VBA, ObjectARX (C++), .NET. VBA was abandoned by Microsoft and it will be removed from AutoCAD in the next version. For a newbie, I would recommend going with VisualLISP or .NET.

25.02.2010, 06:29
Thanx Vladimir
I will definately have a look at .net
is there any way i could customize my ribbons as to have the option of free rotate and explode as in my tool pallets ??
Is there no way you could translate the programming tips in English 
So I would not have to bother you guys too much ?
CSBassman2010-02-25 06:33:29

Vladimir Michl
25.02.2010, 07:34
Both Tool palettes and Ribbons are freely customizable (through CUI or through the API). You can add any commands and macros to these UI elements.
Unfortunately the programming tips are available only in Czech - you can try Google Translate to translate them to English.