Display full version of the post: Project Butterfly Update Now Available

27.04.2010, 04:00
Software Development Manager, Tal Weiss, sent me an email that the team updated Project Butterfly yesterday. Free Project Butterfly Technology Preview on Autodesk Labs Over the last weeks the Project Butterfly team has worked hard on improving Project Butterfly’s drawing and displaying capabilities. They have focused on enhancing display accuracy and on the overall usability of the application, all based on user feedback. Project Butterfly can now display accurately render Multiline text. In addition, text symbols are now supported. With this update, users can now use the layers drop-down to change the layer of an object. Project Butterfly now supports accurate drawing and rendering of AutoCAD line weights, and you can toggle it on and off. The team added "display resolution matching" between different users during Co-editing. Now both sides can use more screen area while co-editing together, while fully maintaining their shared view of the drawing. But that's not all. The crop tool has been improved, and reviews with cropped drawings are now easier to follow. Look for more upcoming information about this on the Project Butterfly blog. All of these new features and enhancements have been added because of your suggestions and requests. Let the know which other improvements and additions you would like to see: email: labs.butterfly@autodesk.com   discussion forum: autodesk.labs.projectbutterfly  Thanks Tal. Collecting feedback and acting on it is alive in the lab.Go to the original post...