Display full version of the post: Rectangle Lisp

15.04.2017, 22:12
Hi, I've spent all night reading up forums trying to find someone who's had the same request for a lisp but to no avail. this'll probably be my first post, but I've been lurking around this forum for a while now (using it for the awesome resource that it is) and after coming up dry I thought I should ask.Well at the moment I'm using the RECTANG command, picking the first point, hitting D for Dimension, have to then Hatch it as Solid, followed by entering Mtext centered within the RECTANG which would include the Room/Rectangle Name and Size. This seems really long winded... Without yet knowing how to write the code myself, what I would like to have is a lisp that includes the following:Prompts:- Asking to pick start point.- Asking to specify length and width in millimeters.- Asking to specify room name. Autonomously:- To draw the rectangle using the current layer @ 100mm thickness.- To solid hatch the rectangle created using a layer I have which is named: "-- NON PLOT --" or "defpoints"- To insert Mtext with the Room name as the first line (Geometric Center of the Rectangle).- To insert the dimensions for the room as the second line of the Mtext (displayed as meters eg: 10.5 x 8.0m).- To draw a point @ 50mm off of each corner of the Rectangle.Any help would be greatly appreciated.  (Pretty sure this is easy for those that are beyond picking apart shared LISP's to try get an understanding of what's going on).Kind regards,CJ.