Display full version of the post: Scott's head

24.08.2010, 04:00
The title of this blog article can't help but conjure up memories of an American TV show called Herman's Head. It was not very popular as it did not last long. The pretext of the show was that actors played various parts of Herman's brain. We got to see them interact as Herman faced life's challenges. I am also reminded of Larry's head. This was a JavaScript page created by Technical Evangelist, Brian Pene, that featured Autodesk Design Review software engineer, Larry Horner. I believe it was an Easter Egg in one of the early Autodesk Design Review releases. And of course recently, there's been Kenneth Wong's head. Autodesk Labs VP, Brian Mathews, took pictures of my head. I had to sit still while Brian took about 20 pictures. Brian used the Photo Scene Editor to create a 3D model of my head. Project Photofly is a technology preview of automatically converting photographs shot around an object or a scene into "Photo Scenes" using the power of cloud computing Though Project Photofly is really intended for serious business like buildings, bridges, landscapes, and mechanical parts, you too can have your own fun. You could even import yourself into AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, etc. Free Download of Photo Scene Editor for Project Photofly via Autodesk Labs Showing that Project Photofly is headed in the right direction is alive in the lab. Go to the original post...