Display full version of the post: Simulation Overview via a Comparison Chart

25.10.2012, 04:00
Peter Marchese, a LEED Green Associate and Senior Consultant at Microdesk, posed the following question: Hi Scott, had a question for you regarding some of the Labs tools that do CFD. I was wondering if there was anything that compared or possibly explained the differences between the CFD tools in Project Falcon, Project Vasari, and Simulation CFD. I know the Simulation CFD one is the old Blue Ridge Numerics tool, but I wasn’t sure if Vasari and Falcon are the same engine and analytics or if all three are different and have different methods of getting the results. Any info is great, thanks in advance. To answer this question I gathered input from various Product Managers around the company. I combined into into a chart: Thanks so much for the question Peter, and thanks to the Product Managers for their responses. Communication is alive in the lab. Go to the original post...