Display full version of the post: SS Get and Lisp Question

17.10.2014, 16:18
Hell everyone.I currently have the following lisp file:[CODE](defun C:get_att()  (if (setq ss (ssget "_F" '((7 2.5) (13.5 2.5)) '((0 . "INSERT"))))(progn  (setq en (ssname ss 0))                                                     (setq enlist(entget en))                                          ;- Get the DXF group codes  (setq blkType(cdr(assoc 0 enlist)))                 ;- Save the type of entity  (if (= blkType "INSERT")                                          ;- If the entity type is an Insert entity   (progn    (if(= (cdr(assoc 66 enlist)) 1)    ;- See if the attribute flag equals one (if so, attributes follow)    (progn      (setq en2(entnext en))                                    ;- Get the next sub-entity      (setq enlist2(entget en2))                           ;- Get the DXF group codes          (setq enlist3(cdr(assoc 1 enlist2)))      (while (/= (cdr(assoc 0 enlist2)) "SEQEND")  ;- Start the while loop and keep                                                                                                                   ;-  looping until SEQEND is found.        (princ "\n ")                                                 ;-Print a new line        (princ enlist2)                                               ;- Print the attribute DXF group codes        (setq en2(entnext en2))                             ;- Get the next sub-entity        (setq enlist2(entget en2))                      ;- Get the DXF group codes      )     )    )  ;- Close the if group code 66 = 1 statement   )  )   ;- Close the if block type = "ATTRIB" statement))   ;- Close the if an Entity is selected statement)[/CODE] The lisp above gathers many useful pieces of information from the block that it intersects. I use this information later on in variables.At the beginning of the lisp the ss get function is utilized. Instead of the way it is working right now, I would like to use the following code for the ss get function.[CODE](defun c:thaw ( / a ex)(setq ex nil)(while (setq a (tblnext "LAYER" (null a)))          (if (and (or (> (cdr (assoc 70 a)) 0)                   (minusp (cdr (assoc 62 a)))               )               (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 a)) "*|*"))              )            (setq ex (cons (strcat "," (cdr (assoc 2 a)) ) ex))          )        )  ;;;    For selection and processing    ;;;    ;;;(setq ss  (ssget "_X"    ;;;         (append    ;;;           (list (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)))    ;;;             (if ex    ;;;               (list    ;;;                 '(-4 . "<NOT")    ;;;                 (cons 8 (strcat (apply 'strcat ex)))    ;;;                 '(-4 . "NOT>")    ;;;               )    ;;;               '(8 . "*")    ;;;             )    ;;;           )    ;;;         )    ;;;      )    ;;;  (textscr)  ;;;    Demo purposes    ;;;  (princ "\nExcluded Layers from selection:")  (foreach itm (reverse ex)    (princ (strcat "\n" (substr itm 2))));;;            ;;;  (princ)  )[/CODE] The lisp above scans for all the layers that are off and returns the names of these layers in a list format.So in conclusion, I would like the ss get function to scan for all the layers that are turned off and exclude those layers from my selection. Using that list I would like to use this exact function[CODE](if (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((2 . "SYSTEM_SP_Q"))))[/CODE]instead of using this[CODE](if (setq ss (ssget "_F" '((7 2.5) (13.5 2.5)) '((0 . "INSERT"))))[/CODE]So to clear things up. First the lisp file will scan for the layers that are turned off. Once it knows this list I want it to exclude all the layers in that list (the ones that are off) and use it along with this function:[CODE](if (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((2 . "SYSTEM_SP_Q"))))[/CODE]Thank you in advance for anyone who takes the time to read all of this.