Display full version of the post: Tablet trouble!

24.05.2008, 15:37
Can anybody help?
I am new to this forum and am looking for some help with my tablet.
I am a muture student studing Cad and have bought a used tablet from good old e-bay (very cheap)
The problem is this, My German is rubbish and when I recieved it there were no leads!!!!!!  If anybody has a CalComp DrawingBoard III, Can you put a multi-meter across the plugs and tell me which pin goes to which pin at the other end? this will include the power socket in the back of the RS232 plug (the end that goes in the rear of the PC)
Also, What is the card called with lots of CAD function on it? I have one but it's in German and we all know what my Greman's like...
Any help with this would be great.