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26.08.2010, 05:23
I have my text styles setup with fixed heights.  but when i change the mtext from style to style the height wont change, the font changes but it stays the same height.

26.08.2010, 08:21
Text or mtext heights won't change if you change their style. Can't you change the height the same way you are changing the style? You could also change heights using "match properties".

26.08.2010, 17:40
I have been using match properties.
When i do it on my wrk computer it works but not at home
I will change the style from the pull down menu on the toolbar and it wont change heights.
it does however change heights if i double click on the text and change the style in the text formating toolbar that pops up.
this is very fustrating, i wonder if it is a system variable that is not set.

31.08.2010, 12:46
Have you set the appropiate parameters for the matchprop command?
First, you've got to select the origin object. Then you can access the parameters of the command. Take a look at your command bar, then type PA and then it shows a dialouge window where you can select properties to be copied.
Besides, it may be useful for you the command SCALETEXT wich allows you to scale text in place, specify new height for all selected texts, or even select one text to copy its height to the other texts. I guess you should better try the command instead read my explanaiton.
 p3.1416l2010-09-02 14:11:05