Display full version of the post: Trying to auto-rotate symbols with Symbol Builder

01.05.2013, 16:33
I am using Symbol Builder to populate my symbol library with existing company CAD blocks.I like how autoCAD Electrical library's original symbols have properties that allows the symbols to rotate according to whether you drop it on a horizontal or vertical wire. I was experimenting with the 'Radial / None' option for wire connections, which didn't work the way I hoped.Then I tried the 'Rotation' option in the 'Block Authoring Palettes - All Palettes' pop up box. I was concerned that it only let the rotation go in the counter-clockwise direction, but went ahead, saved it, and inserted it into the library to test. With no luck, it did not rotate on it's own. I am attaching a screen shot of me using the 'Rotation' function.Is there something I am missing with either of those two functions to "auto-rotate" the symbol, or is it a different function altogether? I apologize if I did not submit this question to the right section, I am new at forums.

ZeeKay2013-05-01 16:57:49

02.05.2013, 12:37
Yeah, you might be missing the Alignment parameter.  This is the one you'd use to build a dynamic block that will automatically assume a rotation when placed (not just horizontal or vertical, but any angle).  When a block with this feature is placed against an existing line it will snap to that angle.  It's a bit tricky to work with until you get the hang of it.Play around with that one.Dave

heinsite2013-05-02 12:41:05

10.05.2013, 17:49
I wasn't able to get it to work using the alignment and rotate functions. However, I solved my problem by finding the files for the icons that AutoCAD E uses for its library, opening each of them, and replacing their symbols with my company's symbols, and then moving around the attributes to fit the new icon. First I insert the symbol that I want to use, say a fuse, I insert it once horizontally, and once vertically. I double click the first one and see the name of the block. I search for that block in the library path (jic125) HFU1 (H=horizontal, FU=device name, 1=parent). I open the file, change it how I want it to appear, making sure that the centre of the symbol stays at (0,0) for the insertion point. I save it, go back to the drawing page, delete the icon I just worked on, purge, and then reinsert it to make sure it was formatted correctly. Then I go back to the jic125 and open VFU1 for the vertical one, and do the same thing. Then when I go to insert the symbol, it appears as my company's symbols, while still self-orienting itself to the horizontal or vertical wire I placed it on.