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Comparison of speed and CPU core usage in CAM operations of commercial and non-commercial versions of Autodesk Fusion.

A - answer Autodesk Fusion users have asked us about the speed of calculating CAM toolpaths and the comparison of commercial and non-commercial Fusion licenses, including the rules for using multiple CPU cores in these calculations (multi-threading).

We have therefore prepared a simple practical test. It is performed on a standard sample model from the Tutorials folder. The toolpaths are computed on the same workstation in both cases, equipped with an Intel i7 CPU (20 logical processors). Both commercial and non-commercial (hobby, personal, edu) versions of Fusion are used in turn, and here are the resulting computation times:

  • Non-commercial license: 43 seconds
  • Commercial license: 52 seconds
During BOTH computations, it is obvious that all CPU cores are being used - i.e. both on the commercial and on the non-commercial version of Fusion.


Non-commercial license:

Commercial license:

We also compared the performance on a single uniform toolpath:

  • Non-commercial license: 15.4s
  • Commercial license: 15.3s

For finishing strategies, the tolerance of the toolpaths is usually set to 0.01 and the step to 0.1. The number of concurrent computing tasks was set to 7.

As a result, we can see that the total time of recalculation of the strategies rather favours the non-commercial licence. On the second recalculation (off the record), the total time was very similar - the commercial license completed the computations in 45 seconds. The computation times are thus practically identical and vary just according to the current state of file access, cache usage, concurrent OS tasks, etc.

Link to the project: or see Data panel > CAM Samples > Tutorials > Tutorial5_Complete

100% *  CAD,CAM 
5.5.2024    1783×   FAQ  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: Fusion 360 360 ·

See also:
Tip 13635:How to speed up background publishing in AutoCAD?
Tip 12255:How to change the number of CPUs used in Nastran for analyses?
Tip 12127:AutoCAD slower after obeying the recommendation from DELL Precision Optimizer.
Tip 10219:Can Autodesk Fusion 360 make use of multicore CPUs?
Tip 8578:How many CPU cores can be used for Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server?

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