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How to use arc length parameter in Inventor sketch?

A - answer The standard tools for creating dimensions and constraints in an Inventor sketch do not offer the arc length dimension and the creation of the corresponding dimensional parameter. However, you can start by creating a radius parameter/dimension and then change it to an arc length.

Use Sketch > Constraints > Dimension to point to an arc segment of the sketch and right-click while placing the dimension. Select Dimension Type > Arc Length from the local menu. This creates the arc length parameter.

arc geometry

In the Parameters dialog, you can then recalculate the inscribed angle values of the arc segment based on its length and radius (or vice versa), control other parameters by the length of the circular arc, etc.

The ArcAngle expression:

ArcAngle = ArcLength / Radius * 180 deg / PI

Or, if you know the angle of the arc (measured to its center!), then:

ArcLength = PI / 180 deg * Radius * ArcAngle

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See also:
Tip 12046:Random shape and appearance of an Inventor part or assembly.
Tip 9528:Using Autodesk Fusion 360 as a CAD converter.
Tip 6140:Inventor text along curve.
Tip 5321:How to model a 3D spiral in Inventor?
Tip 4836:How to dimension the arc length in Inventor?

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