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How to create DWG layers from a list in CSV/Excel? (and modify layer properties in Excel)

A - answer Using the free utility CS CsvLayers you can automatically create (import) an arbitrary list of layers to your DWG drawing by reading in a text file with layer definitions.

You can create the layer list in Excel (CSV - comma-delimited values format), or type it in a text editor. The list can contain either the layer names only, or also their properties - color, linetype, lineweight, plot/noplot, visibility... Possible already existing layers will be redefined with the properties read from the CSV file. Optionally, you can also modify the existing layers, not create new ones.

The requested linetypes must be preloaded or they are autoloaded from the default .LIN file. Colors are supported both from the ACI palette (indexed) or as truecolors (specified as a "(R G B)" triplet). The parameters you don't want to set can be omitted.

You can download the application CsvLayers from Download. Load it with APPLOAD and type the CSVLAYERS command.

An example of the layer definition file:

;CsvLayers sample file
;Expected format:  
MyHidden,4,Dashed,1,1,1,25,"This will be hidden,OK?",50
GreenishLayer,(34 156 27)
Ceske Budejovice,,,,,,,My hometown

Created layers

The command LAYERS2CSV can export the CSV layer definition file from your existing drawing. You can then modify the list in Excel and re-import it to your AutoCAD DWG.

You can also use this command pair to copy layer descriptions from one drawing to another one.

Enclose descriptions in double quotes ("") to include commas. You can preset your own delimiter by setting:

(setq _CSVdelimiter ";")

100% *  CAD 
29.1.2010    40257×  

See also:
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13878:SelectSimilar - extended selections for AutoCAD, incl. LT and Web versions
Tip 13855:DBXscanLayers and DBXscanBlocks - bulk report content of DWG files in a folder.
Tip 13688:How to select all DWG objects of a certain type in AutoCAD LT? (texts, circles...)
Tip 13435:Bulk setting of layer properties according to the object in that layer.

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