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How to display the total volume or surface of 3D solids in DWG?

A - answer Using the freeware utility 3Dprops you can easily display the total volume, surface or height (Z-axis dimension) or bounding boxes of selected 3D solids. You cannot do that with standard commands - the Properties palette or DATAEXTRACTION.

Download the 3Dprops utility from Download, load it into your AutoCAD using APPLOAD and run it by typing the 3DPROPS command.

Select the objects (or all) and choose whether to output the volume, surface, or height or bounding box (cartesian, width x depth x height) of the solids. The command outputs the total value of the selected property (e.g., the total surface) and the individual values in order of selection. The total is also stored in the USERR1 variable (except for Bbox), which you can write to the DWG as a text field. If you change the solids, you need to run 3DPROPS again.

See sample:

Since 3Dprops version 1.1 you can optionally transfer (masquerade) a selected property (e.g. volume) to the "Linetype scale" property of the individual 3D objects (or to Hyperlink in case of BBoxes). This property ("misused" for storing volume or surface area) can be then reported in standard commands such as the Properties palette or the DATAEXTRACTION command (summarization, totals or averages are also possible there). The reactor on the REGEN command (or the 3DPROP2LTS command) takes care of updating the data after any changes to the 3D solids. So you can get the 3D properties ("redressed" as linetype scale) into a dynamic table in your drawing, or to an exported property file (XLS).

Since version 1.2 you can also output bounding boxes. The Surface property can be also dynamically updated. The reactor is automatically restored (after loading the application) if it has been enabled in that DWG.


Look at the usage and modifications of the DXE file in a sample:

See sample drawing 3Dtest1.dwg and its attachment, a .DXE (rename .TXT to .DXE) file with a predefined volume report table for the DATAEXTRACTION command.

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See also:
Tip 13472:How to convert the structure of a volumetric lattice to a real mesh body?
Tip 13227:Reference Explorer - quick analysis of your project or assembly (file size, xref errors).
Tip 13211:Automatic numbering/renaming of multi-volume bodies in a part.
Tip 13013:Converting a 3D mesh to a 3D solid in Fusion 360.
Tip 12771:Simplification of an assembly in Fusion 360 - the shrinkwrap function

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